Light and Sound Kit for New LEGO Haunted House (#10273)
Hello everyone! We know it's getting close to Halloween, and we've had questions about whether we are going to make a light and sound kit for the new 2020 LEGO Haunted House (#10273). Our kit for the "older" Haunted House continues to be very popular, so we couldn't resist making a kit for the new Haunted House as well.
Here's our challenge: since it is so close to Halloween 2020 as I write this, we're probably going to be able to deliver only 20 or so kits before Halloween. My question is: would there be sufficient interest to place pre-orders for this kit? I'm finishing up the design now, and will post more details soon so you can see what's included, but it's going to be a very cool kit.
Let me know if you'd be interested. Thanks as always!
Hi everyone, just a quick note to let you know we're trying our best to finish the kit for this amazing set in time for Halloween-- like, this Halloween! I know there isn't much time left before the holiday, but we're doing our best! Keep an eye on our New Products section on our website.
Hello everyone! I wanted to send a quick update about this light and sound kit, since we are getting right on top of Halloween. The good news is I spent most of the weekend last weekend finalizing the layout and working on the code. I'm about 80% done, so I expect to have everything complete by the end of this week. While that's good news, it's also not great news because that means we likely won't be able to get the kits sent to you by Halloween. Since you've been so patient with us, though, I'd like to give those of you who have been waiting a coupon for 20% off the kit plus free shipping when it is ready. Just reply to this note saying you are interested in buying one of the kits this month, and I'll make sure you get a coupon so you can order. I'll be posting a video and more details about the kit (including price, etc.) very soon. Thank you!
Hello everyone, thank you again for your patience. I realize Halloween has passed but I wanted to share the details about the kit, which I've finally been able to finish. You can see the details on our website here. You can watch the product demo video at the bottom of this update.
If you'd like to purchase one of these kits with the 20% discount I mentioned earlier and also with free shipping (offer valid only through November 15, 2023), DO NOT buy through the website link above. Send me your e-mail address via a DM on this forum, and I will send you a PayPal invoice for the kit with the 20% discount and free shipping.
I hope you agree this kit was worth the wait! As always, thank you again for your support and suggestions.
hi Rob, thanks, it is really fantastic! I have 2 questions:
1) i added to my haunted house the original Lego add on for motorize the elevator using 2 Medium Linear motor and 1 hub. Is your new set compatible with this? I'm asking this as i saw in the video you are talking about an elevator magnet switch...
2) in order to power up your set, i have to connect to the USB cable a power supply, am i right? If so, how many voltages are necessary? Will you add detailed instructions into the box explaining how to use the effetcts?
Giovanni Bocchi Thank you for the feedback-- I'm glad you like the kit! Yes, the magnetic switch is compatible with the motorized elevator with the LEGO motors-- there is no interference with the motorized operation using the LEGO parts.
For the USB, it is a standard USB connector so any iPhone/iPad type charger will work. It just needs 5 volts with at least 1 Amp (1000mA) of power-- most chargers today have this capability. We also sell an adapter that will work, which has plugs to work internationally (https://www.brickstuff.com/store/p6/international-mains-adapter.html)-- let me know if you'd like to add this to your order as well.
Lastly, yes, I will be creating detailed online instructions showing how to install and use the kit.
Thank you!
Rob Klingberg thanks!
I have this one:
and this one:
I think both are ok, is that correct?
thank you!
Hi all, sorry for the delay on this end-- I had some unexpected family issues come up that prevented me from taking all of the photos for the install guide. I don't want to send you a PayPal invoice until I have complete kits and guide ready-- I have the kits done, but need to finish taking the photos and writing the guide so you'll be able to set everything up once your kit arrives.
It's Thanksgiving holiday week here in the USA, but I'm trying to finish the guide as soon as I can-- hang in there and I'll send the PayPal invoice when everything's ready. Thank you!