5.2V okay?

Quite possibly a silly question but I like to make sure that I'm correct :)

I saw the LiPo power source and planned to use this to power interior lights in one of my passenger trains, then thought "what if it had a charger built in" - then found the Adafruit PowerBoost 500 which looks perfect (once a DIY cable is soldered in). It provides 5.2V on the output however, so I just want to make sure that Brickstuff's lights can handle this voltage.

If so, it would be really awesome to have a micro-USB port built into my "generator" van for recharging!

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  • Hi Alex Burgess , good question.  It should work!  Keep us posted, and do share photos and details of your setup once you have everything mounted.

  • Rob Klingberg will do, appreciate the quick response time!

    Next step is to work out how to fit the power supply and battery in the generator van, source the PowerBoost (since it's not in stock) and find the funds :)

  • Alex Burgess FYI if it helps, SparkFun also carries its own boost/charge regulators. And I know you can buy the Adafruit and SFE ones on Amazon or places like Digikey.com. Any of these other places may have stock.

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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