where to find sound bits.

Hello, I'm wondering where to go to find sound bits to download to the little sound speaker you sell, and to add more sounds to the Millennium falcon. I am computer dumb I don't know where to even find any, and do you have to purchase them. Thanks very much for any help, John J. p.s. I have the custom sound and light kit for the Millennium falcon so I have some information on how to download the sounds, just not where to get them. Thanks again.

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  • Hi John, thanks for your question.  There are lots of sites online where people have published sounds from the movie.  If you do an online search for "Star Wars MP3" you should find some to download.  Once you copy the files onto your computer and connect the sound board, you should be able to copy them to the board.  Just make sure you pick up MP3 files and not other formats like Windows Media (*.wmv)-- those other formats won't play on the modules.

    I hope this helps!

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