Finally got the fair finished! mostly...

After much work and much love, I finally finished my fair! Well, mostly. It will probably always have more to add, LOL! Many thanks to  for all your help, expertise, and skills, I really wouldn't have it the way I do without all you do. The step-up cables you created to eliminate the batteryboxes work like a charm. It only took a little sleuthing to figure out the best charger for each model, but the output amperage of the charger does have a bearing on starting torque. I tried 1 amp Apple iChargers, but none of them would start due to too much resistance on the motors. With 1 amp chargers they would move forward a centimeter, then back a centimeter, then a pause and do it again: "Zzt-zzt. Zzt-zzt." So the final fallout of the chargers was 1.2 amps for the mixer, 2 amps on the Ferris wheel, and 2.4 amps for both the coaster and the carousel. And, of course, the Ferris wheel light kit is yours, but also one of your slip rings made the carousel possible. I was not satisfied with the only-the-top-lit pattern and the battery-box-inside-the-canvas-top available with the one decent kit available for the carousel, so I fixed it. Also, your flash cameras add a great depth to the fair. Every ride has someone pukung in the flowers, and every ride has someone taking pictures of them doing it. It seems like every year we went to the amusement park, there was always at least ONE person doing it. Very proud of the 3 marquee lights in the park, too. The ticket booth sign for the mixer was the first one I did, as evidenced by the gigantic shed I built next to it for the wires and boards. The ticket booth for the coaster actually has more lights, (24 compared to 16,) and more connections, but I had already done one outbuilding and managed to fit all the associated hardware in a smaller box next to the booth. Don't let me downplay the challenge of lighting the strength tester with the marquee lights, though, that was a lot of fun, too. Speaking of challenges, I am very happy with the way the wire-hiding throughout the fair went, both with my little hillocks as well as with the flower and plant camouflage. I grew up going to Elitch Gardens when I was a kid, back when the name meant what it said and there were flower gardens all throughout the park, so I keep adding more and more flowers to it. 

One of my favorite aspects of my fair is that each model is on its own appropriately-sized green-painted plywood plank, with each model being powered independently, both the lights and the motors, so if I need to work on any of them, I can disconnect power and gather cords, and carry it out to my work space, (although the coaster is too big for one person to carry.)

I was a bit disappointed, though, since I had my fair completed when Lego announced the looping coaster. I may someday add it, and other rides when I do, but in the meantime I figured since I already had guests enjoying pretzels, hot dogs, and balloons, I would be justified in getting the appropriate stickers for their stalls and adding them to my fair.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Cheers!

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