Work continues on finalizing our new line of lightbars.  Stay tuned for more info coming soon, but I wanted to share this photo showing the different configurations/colors we are planning at this time.

Note that with this new line of lightbars, colors will be set at the factory and cannot be changed.  We do plan to accept custom orders for specific colors/combinations, but above is the list of what we're planning to offer in the initial round of products.

As always, feedback is welcome!

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  • Logan McCain Hi, yes, we're still here and all is well.  We got slammed with the holiday rush and are still working to ship out orders for other products, but we're continuing to work on these.  I know it seems like we keep saying that :-) but things are still moving forward to release asap this spring.

  • Is everything still good?

  • Logan McCain Yep, still good.  Working 9+ hours six days a week just filling Millennium Falcon, Hogwarts, and Disney Castle pre-orders.  Working on lightbars as time permits, but it's moving very slowly because the pre-orders come first.

  • ok, If I get a light bar, and I set it to light mode 1
    And I turn it off for a while, and I turn it back on, Will it still be on the mode that I turned it off? (mode 2)

  • I meant to say in the beginning light mode 2

  • Logan McCain Yes, the mode setting is maintained even when power is off.

  • oh, that will come in handy. Thanks.

  • How strong is the light bar? Like if I flip my swat suv, will it break, or will it last longer than one flip?

  • Logan McCain Really hard to say.  The transparent parts will be glued to the tile underneath, forming the lightbar.  The glue is pretty strong (it fuses the plastic) but I'm sure you could pry it off if you tried hard enough.

  • Would the wire be able to snap easily?

  • Logan McCain No it would be pretty well attached-- the wire comes out the bottom of the lightbar assembly, so as long as it's mounted onto the top of a vehicle, you should be good.  The main concern would be knocking one of the top parts loose (one of the transparent 1x2 tiles) but again you'd need to knock it pretty hard for one of those to detatch, I'd think.

  • Could you use that lightbar tech to make it so the stained glass windows at the back of the great hall light up on the Lego Hogwarts set? Those windows have solid brick behind them and as such don't get light through them from the environment or other lights. It would be a cool upgrade.

  • Tanner Saadi I thought about that too when designing our kit for that set years ago.  In the end it was just too much work.  The way to do it would be to make a flex PCB with tiny LEDs embedded that would fit between the brick and the tiles.  Problem is you need to make hundreds of those parts in order for the cost to be affordable, and we're already well down the road selling our Hogwarts kits.

  • Every thing still going good?

  • Logan McCain Yes, all good here.  June was a busy month!  Two shows in two weeks-- our first shows since before Covid.  2,000 miles driven, thousands of people visiting our booth.  We did have a chance to run-test the self-contained lightbar-- you can see the video here.

  • Rob Klingberg I'm assembling lightbars this week and next, so they should be online soon.

  • Will you link me to the sight where you can buy them from when they release? Also, do you think you have a price in mind? In the video, I didn't see the wire, will the wire that plugs in the light bar that goes into the battery be hidden? Or will it be under the light bar itself?

  • By the way, will the light bar be this compact? Also, I do want a 2x1 tile blue light bar and a 2x1 red and blue light bar. Also, do you know how big the battery will be?

  • Logan McCain There is just one wire (two thin wires, one plug) that connects to the battery.  For this video, the battery pack was a coin cell pack, I believe, and it's inside the vehicle.  The wire comes out the bottom of the lightbar itself, and you can still attach the lightbar to the top of studs with the wires passing around/under, and then down into your vehicle.  I'll post more photos soon so you can see how it all comes together.

  • Logan McCain yes that is the first model we're releasing-- the fully self-contained version with multiple effects (minus the battery pack).

    After the self-contained 1x6, we'll be doing several that are not self-contained, meaning you will still need an external effect controller:

    • 1x6 but with 3x 1x2 tiles on top (no black grille part in the center), so 9 lights total (3 under each 1x2 tile) in multiple base tile colors (red, black, white, light bluish gray, dark bluish gray) and with multiple top color combinations (all trans-red, all trans-blue, all trans-orange, etc.).
    • 1x8 with 8 total lights (either 4x 1x2 tiles or 2x 1x4 tiles) in multiple base and top colors.
    • 1x4 with 4 total lights (either 2x 1x2 tiles or one 1x4 tile) in multiple base and top colors.
    • 2x6 with 8 total lights (the center 2x2 space will be solid or with 2x grille pieces)

    1x3 and 1x2 lightbars require a different lighting and controller design, so for those we will be launching a Kickstarter-type campaign after the above models are released.  Assuming we receive enough support for those, we will move forward with production, but as of now, 1x3 and 1x2 lightbars are not on the production timeline.

    In terms of battery,  you can use any of our power supplies.  The smallest is this one.

    I hope this information is helpful-- again, we really are working on getting the first batch ready as quickly as we can.

  • what i mean by 2x1 light bar is this one. Also can I just say thank you for responding to my questions and creating amazing add on lego lights. Good job.

  • Logan McCain AH, ok, got it!  Yes we will be making those designs with the initial release of the self-contained 6-wide lightbar (Red + Red, Blue + Blue, and Red + Blue).

    Thank YOU for your patience and for keeping after us-- hopefully you'll agree it was worth the very long wait!

  • honestly a year!! Yeah, a year, that was worth it. But we will see if it will be worth it when its on my swat suv. By the way, will they get sold out immediately?

  • Logan McCain Maybe but don't worry-- tell me which one(s) you want and I'll save some for you.

  • I would like the 2 of the 2x6 red and blue lightbars. And 1, 2x6 blue lightbar.

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