UCS Millennium Falcon Landing Lights [Step 23]

I am having some trouble with Step 23 of the UCS Falcon Kit. Any tips for how to fit the single studs between four of the studs while keeping the light in position?

My efforts end with the clear stud crookedly stuck but not enough to stand any movement.


Thanks in advance

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  • I would put the middle sit on a brick separaor and hold the wire of the light down with a bar piece.

  • Hi Justin , thanks for your message.  Jeremiah's suggestion is a good one-- placing the part on a brick separator and using that to help attach may work.   You could also place the clear part on the bottom of another plate, then press up into the Falcon using the additional plate as leverage.  It will take some trying, but can be done.

    Please let us know if you have any additional questions.  Thank you.

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