LED and cable compatibility

Will Brickstuff 1-to-8 Expansion Adapter with Large Plugs (Side-Facing Version) SKU: BRANCH11 work with Pico LED 10-Pack SKU: LEAF01-PWW-10PK and 24-Inch Connecting Cables (4-Pack) SKU: GROW24?

What power supply/battery pack would be best for this type of setup?

I will be using this equipment for plaster Christmas houses.  I am using a 3xAA battery pack with Pico LED light board (2lights) now for one house but have other locations with multiple houses to light.

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  • Hi Lawrence, thank you for your post.  If you are using Pico LEDs, you actually want the BRANCH10 adapter, since that one and also the Pico LEDs have small connecting plugs.  (We're currently out of these but I'm actually making more today, so they'll be back soon!) We posted a guide a while back showing the options for connecting Pico LEDs:


    Hopefully this helps explain.

    The AA battery pack will power up to 100 lights with no issues, though if your houses will be close to a power outlet, you might want to go with the USB cable instead, so you can power it from wall power with a spare iPhone/iPad type plug-in adapter.

    I'm not sure how many houses you will have, how many lights will be inside each house, or how much space will be between each house, but depending on the answers to those questions, you might want to go with multiple adapters, one inside each house, and a connecting cable (like the GROW24 cables) to run between houses, all powered at either end by one power supply (the AA battery pack or USB cable).

    If you have a drawing of your setup that you could share, I'd be happy to make more specific recommendations if needed.

    Thank you again!

  • Rob Klingberg 

    I am trying to light a total of seven houses in two locations.  I have attached a file showing the setup.

  • Lawrence Adamiec Thanks for posting this.  Depending on how many lights you have in each building, you could use either of these adapter boards, one per building:

    Then to connect buildings and adapters, use these thick 24" connecting cables. Connect each building in series, end-to-end.

    Put your Brickstuff USB cable on one end of the string, and connect to your power source (either your own iPhone/iPad type charger, one of our adapters, or a USB battery bank).  One power source can power 100 or more lights.

    I hope this helps!  Let me know if you have any additional questions.

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