71395 Mario 64 Question Block

Hi I was wondering if there are any plans to make a light kit for the Super Mario 64 question block? I have the set already and it is an excellent display piece (even though as every true mario fan knows the ? Block did not appear in 64 but it was a ! Block 😅). Let me know if you need any dimensional info or pictures/video of internals/moving parts. Quick ideas I had off top of head would be alternate build instructions to change ? to a ! . Would definitely require extra pieces, I have tried already with pieces provided. Lighting the perimeter of the punctuation which sequence lighting (have seen this on a cheap set looks really cool but it only lights one punctuation not all 4 and they are static not sequential),  sounds for the respective zones, magnetic switches to trigger sound effects for bowser door and final stage (or just remote for that as it would probably be easier to turn off various zone music depending on your mood). Let me know what you think. And keep up the awesome work😁😁😁.

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  • Hi James Michael , thank you very much for your message and request.  It's not something we currently have on our roadmap, but we want to consider it, so today we've launched a new program called the Brickstuff Customer Wishlist Program.  I created a Wishlist topic for this set, and you can visit it here to add your support.  We'll need 50 people to commit to supporting it by January 1, 2023, so make sure to share the page with your friends and get others to add their support and ideas as well!

    Thank you again for the request.

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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