Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle Set 71043

Will you be making lighting sets for the above set😎

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  • Still very excited about this.  I just don't get why there aren't hundreds of people on here posting about this.  It's seriously the best kit out there, and you guys have the best customer service.  Makes me wish i had tons of youtube followers so i could advertise!

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  • Michael Organiscak  perhaps it has something to do with the price. Specialists want something all singing all dancing. Folks who like to build some lego and display it, baulk a bit at paying more for the add ons - lights or display cabinet etc than we paid for the original lego kit. Would love to buy it. Cannot afford to buy it.

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  • Tez Stinch fair point. But the only reason I’m getting the hogwarts castle is for this lighting kit so you’re definitely right we all have different priorities. 

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  • Just droppin by to say I’m still excited. 

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  • Kurt Stork Thanks!  We're putting together our first e-mail newsletter to the customers from the first batches of orders with more details and status on the kits.  Look for it in your inbox soon!

  • Rob Klingberg wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo patiently waiting!

  • I’m pretty new to all of this and curious if anyone has built a stand for this set that maybe even spins around or could point me in the right direction to build something like that. 

  • Kurt Stork 

    In a similar vein, I really liked the in-store display case at the Lego store.  It doesn't spin, but it had a thick plastic cover and, more importantly, a printed nighttime lake scene for the underlying mat (for the arriving boats to sit on).  I wish Lego would sell something like that.

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  • Kurt Stork We did do a little looking for a good rotating stand for the castle, and found this one:


    Unfortunately, because of the way the stand is constructed, we haven't found a way to run the power wires down through the center (so the castle could be powered and still spin around).

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  • Rob Klingberg do you happen to know any place that sells either an acrylic or glass coffee table that could house the castle? I personally looked into the idea of a lazy Susan for the castle but having the castle in a coffee table would eliminate the need to rotate and i dont thing a rotating base would be as practical. If you have any leads, please let me know!

  • Chris Cooper Hi Chris, I don't know of an acrylic or glass coffee table, unfortunately.  Because the castle is quite tall, it might be hard to find a table designed to fit it.  Perhaps others have found something that might work?  We'll see if someone replies....

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  • If I were looking for that kind of solution ... Considering the size ... I would start looking at acrylic aquariums and possibly crafting a top myself. 

    • Daryl Tan
    • Daryl_Tan
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Just sharing mine with a case. I got mine custom made. Just a disclaimer I'm in Malaysia. It was pretty pricey about USD100+ but well worth the money spent. Would look even more amazing once the lighting kit arrives :)

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    • Daryl Tan
    • Daryl_Tan
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Also if you're looking for dimension measurements, this site might be helpful. It's a Lego authorized reseller shop in Malaysia who also does acrylics. The link contains dimensions for the major Lego sets



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  • Daryl Tan I would say that’s a pretty reasonable price. What an amazing display can’t wait to see it with the lights. 


    I think I’ll be heading to a custom shop tomorrow to try see how much I’ll be set back for the Disney castle case.  Thanks for the dimensions help.

  • Hey Rob, I have the hogwartscastle in hand and have been super itchy to put it together. Is it better to wait on the lights to arrive before assembly, or is it easy to do a partial deconstruction while setting up the lighting? 

  • Chris Cooper if I may, these sets are for post build. So feel free to get started! Post progress!,!!

  • Chris Cooper Hi Chris, as Michael Organiscak said, the installation instructions for our sets are written assuming you have already built your LEGO set.  So feel free to build your set, and enjoy the process-- it's a beautiful model.

  • Hi Brickstuff and hi all, i was just looking for a few leds for the Hogwarts set i bought a few weeks ago, but man, how you all get me that enthousiastic 😍 to let me buy the Mega Bundle and ship it to the Netherlands! I hope i am one of the first few (except for those who are in this thread ofcourse) and i can't wait to build Hogwarts and get in the lights and sound!!

    Maybe some tips/ photo's how to create a nice setup/ background? 


    PS .... how do i tell my wife??? 🤔

  • Jarno Roubos Thank you very much for your purchase!  You're going to love your Hogwarts Castle with lights and sound!  Yes you are definitely one of the first 100 customers.

    Once those who purchased earlier get their kits installed, I'm sure there will be information here about setups and backgrounds.

    Again, thank you!

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  • I’m still excited. Hope to get it soon! That’s all. 

  • Kurt Stork Thanks Kurt, we're working hard to get the kits ready!

    • Daryl Tan
    • Daryl_Tan
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I'm halfway done. It looks so amazing in person. Rob Klingberg you really outdid yourself!

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  • Daryl Tan Looks great, keep up the great work!  Glad you are enjoying it!

  • So I’ve been meaning to reply for awhile but between my daughter’s birthday and several other recent events I have had to put off updating this thread with my thoughts and comments.


    First and foremost: a huge thank you to Rob and the Brickstuff team for this FANTASTIC kit. It is absolutely stunning and everyone has absolutely loved it both within my family and outside. The customer support is why I will always recommend Brickstuff over any other creator and Ill keep coming back for more. Sincerely, thank you!


    I LOVE the new manual format of accessing the directions via ipad. Makes everything that much easier, especially with video, and being able to zoom in zoom out. Many times I would go back and forth between certain pages to make sure I understood what part i was up to and how it should work and the app proved instrumental.


    Some tips and thoughts on process: Be patient. Take your time, and don’t be afraid to step away for a little bit to recollect your thoughts and focus. I completed this set two weeks ago, and it took me pretty much all of Saturday into Sunday (with distractions). Could you do it faster? Sure. But this is meant to be a build that you enjoy and do right. 

    This is gonna sound weird, but my biggest tip/ trick I recommend is to KEEP the black tie that came with your wires. Straighten it, and bend one end into an “L” and the other into a “U.” If you have fat fingers like me, this little unassuming tool will prove beyond useful for pulling wires through, grabbing legos that came off, or just snagging a piece or wire.

    Another tip: i personally skipped out on lighting up the 3 smaller towers with the red lights. This allowed me to add extra lights to the Astronomy Tower andI personally feel it gives a better overall look. 

    This really is one of the best kits ever, and I own both this and the Cinderella Castle set. The remote is phenomenal and really offers some interesting ways to light up your castle and highlight certain features. Take your time to learn the remote commands. I love that lights turn off and on and make the castle come alive. If you’re looking to get someone this set, or its for yourself, do not miss this. It really is an incredible experience, and certainly one to be proud of. 

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