Lighting and Sound for the Tantive IV (75244)

It's out!  LEGO's new, updated Tantive IV set, and you know we have some great things in mind for this set.  We ordered it on May 3, and the set just arrived at Brickstuff HQ yesterday.  We'll post details on this thread about our thoughts and plans for lighting, sound, and remote control.  As always, to make this set as useful as possible, we want to hear from YOU in the comments below: what is your wish list for the set?  Let us know what you think!

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  • Hi Rob, I've put some thought into an exterior kit and the engines, top and bottom cannons, a couple of running lights and one to illuminate the cockpit would work. Not sure if there's much you could put on the inside except the cockpit panels and the consoles on the table in the main compartment. Not sure the interior lights would show much off though.

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  • Hello Rob! I think what would be cool for sound could be: Engines (flickering and sound), maybe some quotes from Star Wars: A New Hope, the alerts that went off in the beginning of the movie. 

  • Rick rivera great ideas Rick!  But due to copyright law, we can't supply any sounds from any of the movies, including music, quotes, or the like.  It would be cool though!

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  • Jeremy Beckett Thanks Jeremy for the ideas.  I built my Tantive last night and have had a good first look over it.  I wish the cockpit wasn't completely blocked off.  Are there any running lights or marker lights on the "real" ship that you've seen?  I have some ideas about how the engines could be lit-- I need to spend some time in the mad scientist part of our office soon. :-)

  • Hi Rob Klingberg . No, not specifically canon (from the movies) but this image has some lights where I'd expect to see them if the Tantive IV was real.

    I don't think you'd want to add LEDs onto the front of engines as this would clutter the structure up, but a couple on the hull (top and bottom) and one in the 1 x 2 trans "window" would do the trick.

  • Jeremy Beckett Good info!  Thanks for sharing.

  • When do you expect to release a set for the Tantive IV?

  • spinning dish and movable turrets would be awesome too

  • Dewain Nummelin We're working on the final design now.  We have all of the LEGO parts, just need to decide on final effects.  Soon!

  • Dewain Nummelin Do you mean motorized?

  • Rob Klingberg yes motorized. 

  • Dewain Nummelin While that's a very good idea, it's unlikely people would be willing to pay the premium for such a feature.  Would likely add $20-30 to the cost of the kit, since it would require a motor driver board as well as a main controller.  I'll look into it though.

  • Rob Klingberg What sounds did you use for the Millenium Falcon engines? Whoever created them did a great job of sounding pretty authentic.

  • Eric Stiff We mixed them ourselves from a number of sources (and created some additional effects during the mix-in).  I'm glad you like them!

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  • Rob Klingberg That's fantastic!

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