BrickScreens Available Sizes and Cost

Attached is a document showing the currently available BrickScreen sizes, formats, and costs.  This is current as of February 4, 2019.  We anticipate adding more/different form factors later in 2019.

Look for another posting with details about the available videos for each screen.

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  • hi, I'm interested in buying some screens from you. I would like to know if it is possible to edit the files contained in the microsd. In particular I would need to display on the lockers: 3 different games, which are not on your list. have you ever thought of incorporating screens in train management: I would have a couple of ideas that I would like to share with you.
  • luca natali Hi Luca, thanks for your message and for your interest in our screens.  We are able to load custom videos for you, but you cannot load videos yourself.  This is a limitation from the maker of the screen that we buy from-- they require you to use their custom software to load the screens.

    In terms of adding new games, I don't think that would be possible.  It took about 200 hours of work to get the games edited and the code written to support what we sell now.  We can't put that much time again into a custom screen unless you were willing to pay for our time.  Adding just one video requires us to re-write and re-compile all of the videos, which itself takes many hours.  Sorry, I wish there was an easier answer here.

    If you do have a single custom video that you would like us to load onto one of our screens for you, we could do that for a $25 charge.  Again this would be one video, not multiple, and you would need to provide the final video ready for loading (we wouldn't do any editing).  Any video format will work-- we would convert to the screen vendor's special format for you and load onto the screen.

    I hope this helps explain what is possible.  Please let us know if you have any additional questions.  Thank you again.

  • Rob Klingberg no problem. what format and size should the videos have?  you should also have received my email

  • luca natali Thanks, we're running behind on customer e-mail this week but I'll reply there asap.  In terms of video size, we can change proportions/format as needed.  The biggest thing you'll need to think about is loss of detail when the image is scaled down.  These screens have just 80x160 pixels, 96x120 for the larger ones, and 128x128 for the largest.  A typical video may be 1024 pixels wide, so that is a loss of detail of more than 90%.  Any text will not be readable, or if you are making your own animations, text will need to be huge so it scales down to a readable size.

    I'll reply to your mail soon.

    • Simon
    • Simon
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Is there any progress on user updatable videos? Very interested in using these screens for a reason where I can't share the video content to a 3rd party.

    I can employ local coding/nerd type peoples to change files.


  • Simon Yes, prototypes are being made now (2nd rev).  Assuming all works well, we will have them in stock next month!

    • Simon
    • Simon
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Rob Klingberg great. Will it require new hardware or can I order now and update the sd card? 

  • Simon Hardware will be all new, completely different system than the current screens which are not customer-updatable.

    • Simon
    • Simon
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Much appreciated. Will hold off but ordering the minute we can V2. Thanks

  • Simon Great, thank you! Lots of nice new video options coming. :-)

    Like 1
    • Simon
    • Simon
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Any update on this? Keen to get my order in.

  • Simon Thanks for checking in.  What size screen do you need?  We just received stock of two new screens that are larger than our existing screens:

    • 2" x 1 5/8"
    • 3 7/8" x 2 1/4"

    Both of these screens have sound support, so you can just copy MP4 video files onto the modules and the videos will play in a loop.

    The advantages of these screens is that they are very easy to use-- just copy your video file(s).  The potential downside, depending on your use case, is that they cannot play specific files in a sequence-- they just loop through all of the files that are loaded into the memory.

    If this isn't an issue, we could sell you some of these screens now.  If you need a smaller screen, you'll need to wait for the V2 0.96" screens we've been discussing earlier (still revising prototypes, hoping to have production units by October).

    Either way, we've got several options for you-- let us know if these larger screens could work.

    Thank you.

  • What would be so phenomenally ideal, would be a 2,4" (Palace Cinema screen size) OLED with speaker, USB connection, and micro SD card that holds 5 GB. Any chance you could sound out your suppliers and see if such a thing were possible? I would buy multiples if such a thing were possible, given how fragile they are. I already managed to break one wire on the USB cord for my first cinema screen, REALLY glad I bought the second one for backup. The screen really makes the cinema more real, and more amazing that such technology is possible with something so small.

  • Michael W Boatman OLED screens are phenomenally more expensive than LCD screens (which is what the current 2.4" screen is).  And with the pandemic, most screen manufacturers have suspended production of smaller screens (which have lower margins for them) and are focusing on the big screens (like, TV screen size).  And they've upped their minimum order quantities for everything, so we'd be looking at having to buy probably 300 screens, which would be cost-prohibitive unless we did something like a Kickstarter and had full support.

    I've also never seen any screens that have SD cards on the back where customers can load videos that are OLEDs larger than the 0.96" screen we currently sell.

    That said, we're working with a U.S. company on some next-gen solutions for Q4 of this year, so stay tuned.  😎

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