Lighting up Big Ben

received Big Ben for Christmas and I would love to add led lighting. Any suggestions or kits available?

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  • Hi Charene, thank you for your post!  We are very close to having a special lighting kit for Big Ben ready to sell.  Here's a peek at what it will look like all lit up:



    We'll post more information on the forum as the kit gets closer to being ready.  Thank you again for your post and for your interest in our products!

  • Hi everyone, it's been some time since we updated this thread on the status of our lighting kit for Big Ben.  We have good news-- the design of the kit is complete and we have begun gathering the parts needed to make kits.  We're also working on the documentation, which seems to take longer than designing the kit!  Look for more photos soon.  We'll also be posting photos of the parts bags in the kit-- there are more than 150 original LEGO elements included in the set, plus 33 lights and another 18 cables and adapters.  It's our biggest set to date, and also one of the easiest to install due to the fact that we've pre-assembled most of the lighting.  It's pretty much a "drop-in" kit that can be added during the build or afterward.

    We'll also be announcing some cool add-ons to the kit that will bring some special features.  Stay tuned!

  • Hi Rob!  Looking forward to when this light kit gets released.  My 16 year old son received Big Ben as a gift and has begun assembling it.

  • Karen Heath Hi Karen, thank you for your interest in this kit.  We actually had it up online and sold a bunch--we're currently out of stock but should have more kits in stock in Q1 of this year.  Here is the link to the product: LINK.

  • Rob Klingberg Thank you for such a quick response and for sending the link, Rob!  I will keep checking back!

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