The "older" burn barrel LEC?

First - y'all have arrived: products are available on the secondary eBay market.  ๐Ÿ˜‰  (Couldn't pass up the price for everything in the package, obviously they're not one of The Believers... so hurrah for me!)

Question: is this strictly a 2-pico-supported LEC?  Or, at what point would I put my tinkering into overload jeopardy?

Figuring with a 2:1 pico branch on each leg of the LEC, there's some capacity available.  (In practice, I've got 2-3 lights on the lower Ninjago City level, but wondering what else it *could* power beyond two 2:1 adapters...

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  • Hi Paul George , that *is* interesting.  Hopefully you got a good deal!  That LEC was one we manufactured several years ago-- it is not limited to just two LEDs as with the smaller LEC (TRUNK06) we sell today-- it can power 100 LEDs or more, like its big brother.  So you should be ok to power a whole slew of burning LEDs. :-)

  • I'm embarrased at how little I paid, but it was a fantastic deal - the burn barrel kit, two of a 2-light strip, 2-6" wire kit, and a battery box.  For parts alone, it was gold, but clearly dated... if I were to bet, the labels looked like inkjet creations on sturdy cardstock.  (Ah, the fun of startup businesses - been there myself!)

    But 100+, eh?  That baby's coming off and I'll put in a dual LEC after I place my next order.  Don't know (yet?) about a flickering large-scale project, but I'll think of something... and the setup is a bit hardware-heavy (LEC + leads + pico adapter on each channel).  Thanks!

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