
2-Channel Micro-LEC with Flickering Effect  are out of stock - when can I expect these to be available?? 


Thank you 

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  • Hi Bill, thanks for your message.  We are working on a new design for these, and they should be in stock by September.

  • Rob Klingberg   

    Hi Rob

    Thanks for your info  - are there any plans for making up a set that would dim then to a slightly brighter glow  and back  rather than a flash ? Thanks 

  • William Messacar Hi Bill, that's pretty much the way our flicker effect works.  It doesn't flash but rather moderates in intensity like you described.  You can see the flicker effect in Step 5 of these online instructions:

    Let me know if this is what you were after.  Thank you.

  • Hi Rob


    Thanks for the info - I ordered the hi power dimmer - not sure if it's the same  but I'll find out 

  • William Messacar Hi Bill, the dimmer only dims-- no lighting effects.  Happy to take the dimmer back if it doesn't meet your needs.

  • Rob Klingberg  OK thanks for your reply - 


    I'll check it out when it gets here - perhaps I'll order the  Micro LEC when it's available  - I like the effects on that - 

    are the  plugs  easily  taken apart once they are connected together?  



  • William Messacar Absolutely, everything in our system is plug-and play, so you can easily swap/add components later.

  • Great 

  • OK Thanks for the info - 

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