How does the Deluxe Magnetic Switch and Control Adapter work?

What are you guys using it for? Seems like it may solve a problem I have but I'm not sure.

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  • Hi, thanks for the question.  You can use it basically wherever you want to turn power on and off in response to some movement.  Examples of where we've used similar switches:

    1. Turning the boarding light on and off when the boarding ramp on the Millennium Falcon is opened or closed.
    2. Activating a flashing light when the bank vault is opened inside the Modular Bank.
    3. Turning power on and off for a build that is difficult to access the inside-- placing a part or removing that part turns the power on and off.  For example, placing the magnet in the trunk of a tree, or in the leg of a minifig, and using the placement/removal of that to turn lights on or off.

    Hopefully this helps!

    • Brad
    • brickingham
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    So if I glued the magnets to the back side of this jail door lock, and instructed people to apply the wire to the front side of the lock, they could turn on a light...or activate a weld module, thereby "electrocuting" a certain henchman?

  • Brad There aren't any exposed wires in the scenario: just a magnet switch and a magnet.  You could put the magnet in OddJob's hat and the magnet switch right behind the door, so when you moved the hat close to the door, the effect would be triggered, but the hat/magnet would need to be held in place close to the door for the effect to continue operating.

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