Horizontal Magnetic Power Connectors (One Set)

Any word on when these will be available?  I am fairly new to this. Most companies use pico connectors I think they are called really dont know how those work. But the notes said that some Brickstuff is bigger connector? what kind of connector is that? and why no just use the pico connectors on the magnetic boards?

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  • Hi James Hall , thank you for your post.  We have been working for many months with our supplier on a new version, one that will have both large and Pico connectors so you'll be able to use them with any brand of lights.  I just spoke with them again this morning and am hoping to have a prototype in hand by late September.  If that works, then we'd hope to have the connectors back in stock by the end of December.  Supply issues for the connector have been really slowing things down, along with the desire to create an updated design with both sizes of connector (large and small) for maximum compatibility.  Stay tuned.

    Also, to answer your question about "why not just use Pico connectors", the reason goes back to 2011 when we designed our current system, selected the connectors, and began making adapters.  There is a limit on the small connectors in terms of how much current they can carry-- this is the reason we selected a large connector for "backbone" connections, to allow hundreds or even thousands of lights to be connected together.  In the years since 2011, as you say, others have copied our system but used only the Pico connectors-- this makes things simpler for them, but it doesn't allow lighting setups as large as what can be achieved using our large connectors.  Since most customers don't need to build lighting setups with thousands of lights, however, we're adding more parts with Pico connectors in the coming months.

    Hopefully this helps explain.  Thank you again for your post!

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  • Rob Klingberg 

    Thank you for the very thorough response. I look forward to purchasing your new design in December 

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  • I am going to be that guy :). I see the update from November. What is the latest ?


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  • I am really looking forward to use these connectors, any update on that subject? Thank you.

  • James Hall Laurent Rive No problem!  I can definitely appreciate the desire for more of these great connectors.

    I just updated the product description yesterday on the main website: "unfortunately, supply chain issues continue to hamper our efforts to get these awesome little connectors back in stock. We're working on a new design that will (hopefully) be easier to manufacture. Sign up for our blog to keep up with the latest details."

    In summary, I'm looking at alternate designs now that are faster/easier to manufacture.  Definitely still actively working on this, although I'm sure it probably doesn't feel like it from the outside.

    I'll post more updates here when I have news.

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  • Rob Klingberg thank you for this update. I am sure tou will come up with an even better connector. Can wait to try it! Good luck.

  • Laurent Rive Thank you very much!  The goal is to make them small enough this time to fit within a 2-stud space and to be less than 1 brick tall.  This will allow them to with with MILS plates for cities and also to replace the standard 1x2 bricks used in modular buildings to make connections.

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  • This is the way 👍😉

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