Specifics for power for lights

Hello all!

I’ve purchased some rotating lights for a 1:18 die cast car I’m working on but I’m not quite sure what the best power option/expansion boards/etc to use. Currently needing to power 7 lights with their own connector. And best power with a smaller size. 

I’m not too savvy with the best way to get them all connected properly.


thanks in advance!



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    • J Raley
    • J_Raley
    • 1 yr ago
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  • J Raley Oh man that is absolutely incredible!  Sorry for just seeing it now, wow you did a tremendous job.  What did you end up using to power everything?  As you likely saw, those little rotating beacons don't use a lot of power so hopefully you were able to get something to fit.

    If you have any other photos or videos online you'd be able to share (or link to), I'd love to see more about that amazing model!

    Thank you again.

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