Disney Castle: connectivity issue

Hi team. Anyone got any experience with the Disney Castle? 

We plugged it back in and all the lights flashed, however now the remote doesn't work and we only have one side of the orange lamp lights working. These come in instantly when plugged in and that's all we get.

Any thoughts what to check to resolve this? We've tried new batteries in the remote. 

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  • Hi Rob 'Beaker' Green , thanks for your post and sorry about the trouble.  A few questions to help us troubleshoot:

    1. Does your castle kit have a white remote, or red remote?
    2. All was working previously, but then it went unplugged for a time and now isn't working?  Did it get moved or were any other changes made while it was unplugged?
    3. When you say "orange lamp lights," which lights, specifically?  Interior torch lights, exterior lights, etc.?

    Any chance you can post a video showing the issues?

    We'll help get you back up and running as best we can!

  • Rob Klingberg  that's very kind of you.


    1. Red remote

    2. All was fine, left unplugged for some time and all lights flashed when plugged in. Castle has not been moved or adjusted since plugged in last.

    3. It appears as if the RHS (when looking at the front) has lamps internally and on the walkway. It also looks like the lamps at the base of the wall are working. See pictures.

    When turning it on to film the rear external lights came on as well (see video), but had turned off after a few minutes.

  • Rob 'Beaker' Green Thanks for the additional details.  What are you using to power the setup?  Having the lights turn off after several minutes is not something we've ever seen before unless there are issues with the power supply (low battery, etc.).

    Also, is there any chance you're using other remotes in the same room as the castle?  Infrared interference can be one issue-- the frequencies used by the IR remote are also used by many other appliances (DVRs, TVs, etc.).  Any chance you bought a new device recently that also has an infrared remote?  If possible, could you isolate the little black receiver module on the castle so it doesn't "see" any other infrared signals, and see if the lights remain on?

    Lastly, when the lights turn off unexpectedly, do the little green lights on the two controller boards (lower right in the photo you sent above) stay on, or are they off as well?

    Thanks for your help!

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