Motorized Boarding Ramp (Falcon)

I saw the video for the new Motorized Boarding Ramp for the Falcon.  I see that it integrates with the remote that I already have (V2 kit).  At least, I assume that it is the same existing remote and not an additional one.  Can you explain how that will work?  Mapping this new functionality to the remote that I already have?

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  • Hi Manny, yes you are correct-- the new add-on works with your existing remote and the code to control the servo is already loaded onto the TRUNK08 master controller you already have in your Falcon.

    To see how all of this works, you can check out the install guide.  Let me know if this helps clarify.  Thank you!

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    • MS
    • manny_sanchez
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Rob Klingberg Thank you...One other question.  If you install this kit, can you still open the ramp manually or do you have to use the remote at all times?

  • MS Good question.  Once you install this kit, you can no longer manually move the ramp.  You can easily switch back though without uninstalling the kit by removing one piece in the rear of the Falcon, then put it back on again when you want to go back to automatic control.

    • MS
    • manny_sanchez
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Resurrecting this old thread...

    Just wanted to comment that I finally got around to ordering the ramp kit.  It has arrived today.  I'm a little nervous about cracking open the Falcon yet again to install this.  It's been nearly a year and a half since I completed the Sound and Light kit install.  Everything is still  working great BTW.

    I wondered how the functionality would work with the "D" button on the remote because I did install custom sounds, but I read your notes about how a long button hold will be mapped to the ramp functionality while leaving the other functionality intact.

    I questioned whether or not I'd throw in this add on, but the thing that tipped me over was, I'm also building an enclosed display case for my Falcon.  Similar to a lot of the coffee table displays out there, but I'm building it from scratch and plan on including USB power outlets inside to power up the sound and light kit.  Having an automatic ramp will make it complete.  When it's all said and done, I'll be sure to share the results with you.

  • MS Awesome, thank you Manny for posting and also for purchasing the ramp!  Looking forward to seeing it in action.

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  • I just installed the ramp and added support to stop the servo from turning.  The ramp is a little sticky, even after adding super lubricant.  The ramp sometimes got stuck coming back up.  Well, the  Falcon is going in a case so this would be an issue.  To remedy this, I put in support on both sides of the black bar to keep the drive line straight, which maximizes the torque.  This worked.  

  • Al Bartholic Excellent suggestions!  Thank you for sharing.

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