Lego Hogwarts Castle Mega Bundle question

Hi all!


I have just received my Hogwarts Castle Mega Bundle and got started installing only to find Bag 1 was missing the BRANCH09X board! ☹️ I have sent an email in but just thought I would ask while I wait, can I use one of the boards from a later bag so I can keep going and just use the replacement later, or are these boards specific to the lights they are connected to? Like if I use the one from Bag 10, will the lights for the Boathouse have the right effect?


Thanks all!

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  • Hi Ben, thanks for your message and sorry about the missing BRANCH09X board!  We can definitely send this to you, and in the meantime, yes you can use any of the other BRANCH09X boards from later bags to continue with your setup.

    Like 1
    • Ben Lam
    • Ben_Lam
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Rob Klingberg awesome, thanks for that!

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    • Ben Lam
    • Ben_Lam
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Rob Klingberg I just wanted to check in, I haven't heard anything back on my email just yet, just wanted to see if there was any update? Thanks

  • Ben Lam Hi Ben, sorry for the delayed response here on the Forum.  I see you've in in touch with Barb on our team and that your package is en route to you.  With Covid, it seems everything is taking longer than it should, but hopefully you will have your package soon.

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