Lego Hogwarts Mega Bundle Power Question
I’m getting the bundle with the central power supply for the accessories. Does it come with an actual power supply or do I need to buy one separate?
If I need to buy one, I’m needing a battery operated one. Which supply should I get to power the bundle? Will the 3xAAA battery pack be enough to power the whole bundle?
Hi Ryan, thanks for your post, for your call earlier this week, and for your purchase! I think we answered your questions about power supplies, but just for historical purposes, here is the link to the Amazon page where we share the models of USB power bank that we recommend for use with large kits like the Hogwarts set.
The important thing when shopping for a battery bank is to get one with a physical on/off switch-- most battery banks have a "soft" on/off power function that turns off the pack after a period of low power consumption. Because all of our products use LED lights (which don't consume a lot of power on their own), we find battery banks without physical switches often power off when they shouldn't. With a physical on/off switch, you're always certain your set is getting power.