Haunted House

Do you feel there would be enough interest in lighting this set to develop a kit for it?

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  • It’s relative?  I lit mine up already, but would be curious to see what else I could have done differently.  

  • Paul George Well the reason I was asking was I didn't know if there might be enough interest for Rob to develop a set specific kit with lights and sound.  I realize he has quite a backlog of work so it's not anything pressing, I was wanting see if it might be something to add to the end of the list.🙂

  • Good question! I would LOVE to have this kit, I was really bummed when the old one ran out. The original had sound synchronized to lightning flashes, as well as the heart sound synched to the lit heart in the jar. I would definitely buy one!

  • Michael W Boatman We just added some more of the light/sound kits for the Monster Fighters Haunted House into stock!  Grab 'em while they last!  Now onto finishing up our kit for the other haunted house-- no guarantees it'll be ready in time, but we're doing our best!

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 4Replies
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