Falcon Laser and Ramp Issue


Just getting this kit put together, got it from a friend who never had the time to install it.

Just reading through the forum but have a question or two


1. Step 71 Connect the Laser Cannon Lights

    When powered up these are always on and bottom two "pulse." The ones on top are just off and work when you cycle through the options.

Should these Cannons always be on? Yes confirmed connected to ports 8 and 9

2. Laser sounds don't work

    swapped ports on the 3 port board that supplies power -- engine speaker works fine on both

    confirmed plugged into right port on main board.

    Just no sound at all -- lights do cycle on cannons

3. Any tips for motorized boarding ramp?

    Its hard to turn by hand - nothing rubbing just takes a lot of torque 


Other than that awesome kit, everything else works awesome!

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  • Hi B W , thanks for the note.  For #1, it could be that auto-fire mode is on for the laser cannons (see this step in the instructions).  When you say "pulse" is there a pause in between or just constant pulsing back and forth?

    For #2, when you turn the blue volume dial on the main controller, do you hear the beeps confirming volume changes?  I wonder if the factory sounds were deleted from that module?  When you connect it via USB to a computer, what files do you see on the module?  See this article for more info.

    For #3, you have the servo connected as outlined in the instructions?  Once the servo is connected, you won't be able to open/close the ramp by hand, but you should be able to control it from the remote as detailed in the instructions.  Let us know if remote control is working for the ramp.

    Thank you!

    • B W
    • B_W
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    1. Did the step 101 to confirm it recognizes top and bottom is setup. Item to note is that I verified it off the bottom one not the top cannon. (will post video of top one being always on)

    2. Will look for cable to check

    • B W
    • B_W
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    Top lights always on. Bottom pulse or will cycle 

  • Ah, ok, thanks for the video.  The lasers are connected to the ports on the BRANCH09X adapter board that are supposed to be connected to the control panel inside the cockpit.  Somewhere along the way the wires were connected to the wrong ports on the adapter.  I know you said you confirmed, but please check again as this is the only way this issue could be occurring.

    • B W
    • B_W
    • 3 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    Well I clearly had something plugged in wrong... not sure what is was. Thanks everything is working great now.

    Like 1
  • B W Glad to hear it!  Enjoy your Falcon!

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