powering 75192

I read a post that I can not find again about the 88000 battery box not having the power to run everything smoothly and that the 8881 battery box AA version works better. I have both but I am wondering if the 8878 rechargeable box would be even better than the 8881 as far as the best way to have everything work there best. This may be weird but I would not mind the extra cost for the rechargeable boxes. Thanks for your help, John.

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  • Hi John, thanks for your note.  Yes, the AAA battery boxes just don't have the power to keep the Falcon running for long.  The rechargeables are a good alternative, however those do have a 90-minute timer built in (no way to de-activate it) put there by LEGO, so if you turn them on, they will power off again after 90 minutes.  They will work great, but the 90-minute issue is a showstopper for some. 

  • Thanks Rob for getting back to me. The 90 min timer dose not bother me, but do you think those will be a better power source than the AA tech box 8881 or are the two pretty equal. thanks again, John.

  • John Jellings Hi John, the rechargeable batteries can put out more power than AA batteries, so those will provide the strongest power source for the Falcon.

  • Rob Klingberg Thanks for the help:)

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