Sword and Lighting help needed

Hi there,

My grandson and I want to create a large sword, from Legends of Zelda.  We want it to have some lights.  I would appreciate some guidance on which lights to buy, we need something fairly easy to use... we are novices at creating a project.  I think the sword will be about 18" in length.    Any suggestions would be most helpful on the sword, and or the lighting.

Thank you,


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  • Hello Lu!  Very sorry for the delay in responding.  Just to clarify: you plan to build your sword using LEGO bricks?  Are you able to post any photos of the sword or tell us how you plan to approach building it?  Ideally there would be space inside, with a central post that would allow our light strips to be mounted back-to-back on the central post (so light came out both the front and back of the sword).  Our light strip starter kit would be the way to go-- this kit has everything you need plus 9 light strips, so you could put four on each side of the sword and perhaps one in the hilt.  Of course all of this depends on how you're designing and building the sword.  We're happy to help, if you can share any additional details about the construction of the sword.

    Thank you again for your post, and good luck with your project!

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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