10262 - James Bond™ Aston Martin DB5

Is one being planned for this new set?  I have one en-route as we speak.

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  • Indeed! Ours is en route as well. What is your wish list for the kit?

  • Sorry for the long delay, here are my initial thoughts (we have yet to build the set):

    1. Headlights, taillights (duh!)
    2. Turn signals
    3. Machine gun
    4. Rocket launcher
    5. servo to rotate the license plate and operate the other gadgets?
    6. Speakers to play the bond theme!
    7. Remote control to active all the above

    And since I have yet to build the set, I leave open the possibility of additional ideas :P

  • Jim Pirzyk Wow, that's quite a list!  Actually there isn't a rocket launcher in the car, but we are looking at things that could be done with the machine guns.  Servo......would probably be more work than it's worth, though also very cool.

    Speakers-- we can supply these for sure, but can't load copyrighted music onto the sound board. :-(

    Remote-- definitely.

    Stay tuned!

  • me toooooooooooooooooooooo

  • what lights can I use for the Aston Martin

  • Lorna Stern We're still working on the kit design.  Planning a few surprises!

  • 👍

  • About 30% done and stopping till the kit come out, hope you go over board on features 

  • frank semelka Well, we always try to go a little overboard at least! :-)

    • Bob Azar
    • Bob_Azar
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Just got the set, any update on a kit for this set?

  • Bob Azar Hi Bob, thanks for your note!  Covid has put us months behind in developing kits, unfortunately, but we still have this one on our list for later this year!

    Like 1
  • Any status update for the James Bond Aston Martin DB5 kit?

  • Leslie Ann McRunnel Nothing yet but we're trying out some machine gun sounds with the 1989 Batmobile that will hopefully fit into this kit as well.

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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