Problem with Lighting Kit for LEGO Creator Ferris Wheel

2 of the spokes aren't lighting up. All the spokes have their green LED lights on in the back, but 2 of them don't have lights working on the front. I rechecked all the connections - all plugged in all the way and all output to input links are correct. I think there is a fault in the actual orange spoke pieces. Can anyone help?




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  • Hi Angee, thanks for your message, and sorry to hear about the problem.  Can you try something quick as a test: connect the main input coming from the slip ring to each of those two orange spokes individually, i.e., make each of those the "first" in the connected chain of lights.  Do they work in that case?  If so, does arm connected *next* in the chain also work?

    Please let me know, thank you.

  • Ok, so I did that to one of the orange arms and none of them work now. The green LED lights are lit on the back of all of them, but none of the front (arm) lights come on. This persisted when I hooked the main input to another spoke. I triple checked that each output goes to an input.

  • Angee Dyer Corso When you say none of them work, do you mean everything is broken now, or just that none work when you connect the input to one of those problem orange segments?

  • Rob Klingberg none of them work now. The Green LED lights on the back of the spoke arms all light up, but none of the flashing colored lights on the front of the spoke arms work now. 

  • Angee Dyer Corso Hmm, ok that's not headed in the right direction.  Can you connect everything the way it was before, so that those two orange arms are back to their former place in the chain and let me know if that brings you back to just having those two arms not working?

  • Rob Klingberg I tried that, but I stupidly didn't label which arms they were before I disconnected and reconnected. I'll fart around with it and see what I can do.

  • Angee Dyer Corso OK, thanks.  One more thing to try as you re-connect them: try connecting each directly to the lighting effect controller (bypassing the slip ring) just in case there's something happening with the ring in the middle.

  • Ok, Most of the lights are working now. I still have 2 arms that aren't working. The orange one will not work at all even when it is first in the chain. It also will not sent the signal to the next arm - so no input or output The yellow one will work if it is hooked to the source (but not in the chain) and it will not pass the signal on - so input ok, but no output

  • Angee Dyer Corso OK thank you for doing all of that troubleshooting work!  It sounds like we need to send you one orange arm and one yellow arm-- is that right?  Anything else?

  • Yes, thank you very much!

  • I received the 2 replacement arms and it's all working great! Thank you so much.

  • Angee Dyer Corso Wonderful, thank you for letting us know, and thank you again for your troubleshooting help!

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