LEC Controller PWM Flicker Frequency

PWM frequency of LEC controller

Is there anyway to change the flicker frequency of the LEC controller? Is it fixed in the chip or set by resistors on the LEC board?

Also, what is the PWM frequency in the default mode? I'm measuring 60-70Hz.


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  • Hi Bjorn, thanks for your question.  Are you asking about the Single-Function LEC (with 12 effects built in) or the smaller flicker-only module with one effect?  If you're asking about the Single-Function LEC, you can change the flicker intensity with the dial on the LEC board.  Because the intensity is controlled with the dial, there isn't really a default mode (since the dial may be in slightly different positions upon shipping).  Does this answer your question?  Please let us know if not.  Thank you!

  • I'm talking about the Single-Function LEC (w/ 12 effects built-in). On the first setting, it doesn't flicker to the naked eye, the flicker frequency is too high to see. What is the frequency programmed to? Is there a way to increase the flicker frequency?

  • Bjorn Grubelich Ah, ok, thanks for the clarification.  You're talking about the pulse-width modulation (PWM) frequency.  That is hard-set in the microcontroller chip itself (Atmel ATTiny85 is the chip in that LEC) and is not changeable.

    Are you looking to increase it for better photography?  We made an analog dimmer for that specific need:


    This changes the actual voltage provided to the LEDs, not the PWM duty cycle.  It will give a true "dim" vs. the LEC which can only achieve dimming by adjusting the PWM duty cycle.

    I hope this information is helpful.  Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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