I've failed utterly, but it still looks great.
Trying to program the light control system for the National Mall using the BrickPixel Shield on an Arduino. Would place the video here, but don't have a YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia account, so all I can do is provide a link to the video on Flickr.
Once I get it working properly, I'll post details and code.
Thanks as always for sharing your progress, WRTyler ! And that effect is pretty awesome, even if it's not quite what you were going for.
In case it helps, here's a really good tutorial on multitasking with Arduino:
And in case you're feeling REALLY bold and don't mind losing a few weeks of your life (and maybe a little of your hair), there's always this: https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/freertos/. I'm warning you, though, this is a little like taking the "red pill" in The Matrix.... 😂
I've never had a need for a true RTOS in the code we've written, so I stick with the approaches from the Adafruit article.
Keep up the good work, and keep us posted!
WRTyler I like the effect you ended up with! very cool chaser pattern!
Rob Klingberg Another wild thing to do for multitasking is Arduino protothreading. It basically tricks the arduino into running 2+ things in parallel. Below is a link to a video I made demonstrating this. The red and blue strobe LEDs are on one "thread", the pulsing white light on another, and the rear orange lights on the third.