Falcon upper cannon


I was able to get the system to recognize both upper and lower canon's on the Millennium Falcon light and sound kit, the bottom cannon fires all 4 and works fine, however the upper cannon only fires 2 out of 4, I have switched cables around in board and still only have 2 lighting up..albeit the ones that were not firing before, so think there might be a problem with the wire,  Is there an easy fix for this or do I need a new cannon.

Also unrelated issue with one front mandable light is not working, are your boards compatable with other wires from other manufactures  as could order a new light elsewhere.

Other than that everything works fine and the sounds are awesome, brilliant kit.

Best regards


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  • Hello Craig A , thanks for your note and apologies for the late reply.  RE: the mandible lights, yes, our Pico LEDs are compatible with most other brands-- as long as the plug is the same size, it should work.  We're also happy to send you a replacement mandible light too, however, so let us know if you'd prefer that.

    Regarding the cannon, you said you switched plugs around on the BRANCH09 adapter board near the top cannon and you got all of the cannon LEDs to work, though never all 4 at the same time (top two or bottom two, not all four).  Is that right?  And you're sure you have the two laser cannon light wires connected to the right two plugs on the BRANCH09 adapter as shown in Step 94 of the instructions?  There are three plugs on that BRANCH09 adapter, but you use only two of them-- if one half of the laser cannon lights gets connected to the third plug on the BRANCH09 (which should remain empty), then that light won't work.

    If you're sure you have connected the laser cannon lights to the correct two plugs on the BRANCH09 adapter, there may be an issue with the adapter itself.  If this seems to be the case, please send an e-mail to our support e-mail address and we will work with you to get you a replacement adapter.

    • Craig A
    • craig_r_allsop
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Rob.

    Thank yo for your reply and sorry it's taken a while for me to get back to you on this.

    Anyway I'm a little ashamed to admit this but yep I had plugs in wrong place on BRANCH09 adapter and can confirm that top cannon is working as intended now ;}

    As for the mandable lights... I have changed plugs around on board and the other lights up now so it appears that the mandable lights are working just fine and prob appears to be the plug on the board itself.

    And I have also picked up a strange problem, when volume is halway everything works lovely, lights sounds etc. but if I crack up the volume and start the engines, just before the hyperdrive kicks in I get a horrible noise through both speakers like a shorting sound, could there be a prob with the volume control? I have been using it alot trying to get the ramp to work.

    I can confirm that I am only using 5v battery packs for both power supplies.

    Best regards 


  • Craig A Hi Craig, thanks for the update.  Glad to hear all is well now with the cannon.

    As for the adapter board the mandibles are connected to, thanks for checking out the various connections.  This is a BRANCH09X adapter, correct?  With 9 plugs on it?  If you're confident the issue is with one of the plugs on that adapter, we can send you a replacement.

    As for the issue with the sound, that's almost certainly due to the kit not receiving enough power.  We published a knowledgebase article about this-- have a look and see if there's something you can adjust with your power supplies.  Let us know if this helps!

    • Craig A
    • craig_r_allsop
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi rob.

    Thank you for your reply. 

    I can confirm that it's the BRANCH09 adapter with 9 plugs on it and seems that one of the plugs is not working so a replacement will be needed if possible. 

    And thank you for advice on power and have replaced one of the power supplies with a more powerful output and has resolved the issue, I can now turn volume all the way up with no issues now:) 

    And just wanted to say that this light and sound kit is awesome and worth every penny invested. 

    I look forward to getting new adapter board so I can finish and properly showcase the model. 

    Best regards


    Like 1
  • So glad to hear it Craig A !  Thank you for your kind words about the kit-- I'm thrilled you're enjoying it.  Can you send an e-mail to our support (at) brickstuff e-mail with your current mailing address, so we can send you a replacement BRANCH09X adapter?

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