Longer Picos?

I'm sure I blew over the "standard" length of the pico lights (12-inch i think?  Didnt see it in the bulk light description unless I blew by it)... but, is there any appetite for longer wires, say, 18-inch, in picos? 

Or are we getting into power loss given the length of the run and gauge of the wire?

Mostly trying to solve against my own laziness of not wanting to drop a micro 1:2 adapter every 10-12 inches (yeah, up to 24" in theory, but in practice, 12").  Which isn't the end of the world, but man oh man, what a 2:4 regular-to-pico adapter can do in the center of a hub versus inline 1:2s all day... 

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  • The long ones worked fine. I used them in the Christchurch brick show with great results

  • Tony Nixon One question eliminated, thanks Tony!

    Two follow-up questions - were those a custom order for your project, and what sort of length(s) did you end up using?

  • Paul George we can do custom Pico cables up to 24". Beyond that, there be dragons. 😆

  • Rob Klingberg I'm in!  Visualizing a one-and-done one-off sort of order of a two 10-pack bulk or so?  (My emergency planner mode kicks in: with five as current need, another five for growth, and double that for hot swap/spares)... 😉

  • Paul George Happy to help out.  Because we have to hand-make the longer lengths (splicing two normal Pico cables together), the cost is $6/ea for cable lengths between 13" and 23".  I can send a PayPal invoice if you'd like.  Warm white, cool white, or a specific color/mix?

  • Rob Klingberg Y'all are good like that!  🙂

    I'll drop you an email, but the PP invoice is fine, and a bargain at most any price.  Thank you!

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
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