Disney LEGO Castle # 71040 - Exterior light installation

Anyone have a build thread for installing the exterior light kit?

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  • Hmmm... a couple of thoughts come to mind.  Do you have a photo of the single connector to share?


    It could be the wires were crossed up when assembled (after all, these are lovingly hand made).  Could also be there is a pinched wire in the upper section and the wires got exposed enough to be shorting out... I've done this to myself more than once -- but definitely sounds like an electrical issue in the behavior.

    (The stove and torches are on another wiring segment, so they should be unaffected, and they brgdvior also makes sense to still be working.)

    • Chris L
    • Chris_L
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Paul George Here's a picture of the connectors. I will disassemble the upper wiring later to see if any of them got pinched. Thanks! 

  • Chris L Sorry to hear you are having trouble!  From the behavior, it sounds like an electrical short circuit (i.e., wires pinched somewhere) in the top section.  Please keep us posted on your troubleshooting-- happy to send a replacement of whatever got pinched!

    • Chris L
    • Chris_L
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Rob Klingberg It was defintely a pinched wire on the top most section. A little electrical tape and some rerouting solved the problem! Now to see if I can fix one of the torches the same way. ;) 

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  • Chris L Looks great!  let us know if your torch is unfixable-- happy to send you a replacement.

  • My Lumiere wiring snapped too, very strange as was working one minute then not the next, managed to fix it by splicing and taping.   

    I'm sure I have seen another post regarding the pumpkin lighting up, can I assume if I had an orange pico led to put into the board it would work?  I wouldn't want to mess something up by adding another (as you can tell I am a total novice at this!😀).   I have seen them for sale via eBay in the U.K. Unless you lovely people at Brickstuff fancy sending me one?!! 😉

  • Kathryn Forbes That's exactly how you'd light it (orange, yellow or even warm white would probably deliver the expected glow for both the pumpkin or, spun about, the jack-o-lantern for Halloween).  Just string the light into an empty slot of either of the flicker adapters and... done.

    Chris L What sort of torch trouble are you running into?  I confess (sorry guys) I didn't love the torch install (felt the wires were too chubby to squish into the bricks), and I ended up running them just along the inner/center of the arches and then made an improved loop under the mid-section floor support.  Wasn't necessarily as "clean," but I'm a wire preservationist -- I've broken enough elsewhere that I was a bit overly cautious with this gem.

    • Chris L
    • Chris_L
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Paul George I wired the torch as shown under the bricks and it was working fine for about 20 minutes and then stopped. I took it apart and can't find any pinches in it. I might have to take Rob up on his offer of replacing it, which I hate to do knowing these were hand made!

  • Chris L Well... sad face.  But yup, that sounds like a case for Rob Klingberg , Lighting Master.

    Pinches are SUPER hard to spot at times... and shorts are easier than breaks (y'know, 'cuz all the lights dim/go dark until you isolate and remove the the bad guy from the scene).  But a pinch-break is just that: dark.  *IF* you can find it, exposing the wires and twisting them together works, but indeed if it's in the soldered heat-shrink tube or other phantom peril, it may be done for.

    Again, I chickened out and ran the wires along-side... but that's in part to knowing my audience and the aggressive play the little one is known for (and worry that pushing minifigs down on upper floors would eventually put too much pressure into the wires in the back.)

  • Kathryn Forbes Hi Kathryn, since you're in the UK, the closest place to pick up some orange Pico LEDs would be from our UK Stockist.  Here's a link to their product page for the orange Picos: link.

  • Chris L Let us know what you need, Chris.  Happy to send replacements parts to get you up and running!

  • Rob Klingberg Great, thanks Rob.

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