Lights for Other Monster Fighters Sets 9463 and 9468
One of our customers asked which lights could be used to light up the Werewolf Tree (LEGO set #9463) and the Vampyre Castle (LEGO set #9468). Here are some suggestions:
For the werewolf tree, our 2-pack of flickering torches would be a great choice-- they would replace the single torch that is included with the kit, and the second torch could be mounted inside the tree to create a rich depth of field for the flickering.
Here is the link to the flickering torch 2-pack:
For the Vampyre Castle itself, it looks like there are more opportunities to mount flickering torches, and there are also candles inside, so you could look at our pre-built flickering candles:
To power everything, we'd recommend our Lighting Effect Starter Kit:®_Models.html
This set includes a battery pack (enough power for 100+ lights), six warm white Pico LEDs, and our Single-Function Lighting Effect Controller (LEC) which can be used to add any number of spooky effects. The Pico lights could be placed around the castle in the various rooms as desired.
It looks like the castle also has some glow-in-the-dark stickers, so you might also want to check out some of our ultraviolet Pico LEDs:
(select "Ultraviolet" as the color)
These can work with the Lighting Effect Starter Kit to make spooky exterior effect that will make the castle glow in the dark.
We hope this information is helpful-- please let us know if you have additional questions, and also if you do light up your Monster Fighters sets, please post photos here for others to see!