UCS Millenium Falcon Sound Problem

I have the sound connected and when I use the falcon engines the start up goes and once the engine sound really starts to kick in the speaker breaks up into static. It will work if volume us very low. But at a low volume you can barely hear anything.  

I did try separate power source but still same issue. 

Any help appreciated. Seems like bad speaker.

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  • Hi Eric, thanks for your note.  99% of the time whenever customers report this issue, the cause is either insufficient power or using one power supply instead of two.  We published a knowledgebase article on the topic that may help:


    Please check it out, and let me know if this resolves the issue.

    Thank you!

  • Can you let us know which two power sources you are using?  Meaning, is there some indication on them of the current output?  If these are USB adapters, the measurement will be in milliamps (mA) or amps (A).  Should be at least 1000mA or 1A for each power supply.

    If the issue was with the speaker, it would happen all the time, not just when volume was high.

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  • 3 mths agoLast active
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