Lego Creator Expert Roller Coaster 6213412

Hi Rob, What light kits do you have or suggest for the Roller Coaster 6213412.


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  • Hi Lorna, thanks for your message.  We are working on a spectacular kit for the Roller Coaster that should be ready in the next 3-4 months.  Stay tuned!

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  • Hi Rob, hope you’re going well. Any update regarding the roller coaster kit?

  • Vincent Pingard Hi Vincent, wow time has passed since the last update!  We have been looking for some thin color-changing light strips for the coaster frame, and have recently found some.  We are also in the final stages of developing a new controller that will allow sounds to be played while lights are pulsing in response to the music.  We're still working on these ideas in the background, and making a kit for the Coaster is high on our list for later in 2020!

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 3Replies
  • 222Views
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