Playing with Lighthouses

  • David Steere
  • Nanoblock/Lego MOC obsessive
  • David_Steere
  • updated 6 yrs ago

When Brickstuff introduced its new 2-Channel Micro-LEC, my mind naturally turned to lighthouses. I pondered what I could do—lighting-wise—with two Lego MOC lighthouses and one nanoblock lighthouse.

Lighthouse MOC by Doctroid

Doctroid’s lovely lighthouse for Rebrickable was modeled after a real one. I originally built it about a year ago and thought then about lighting it. I made some minor cosmetic changes—adding a plant, covering the base with brown tiles and inserting a red door.

This time around, I added some height to the tower and inserted one 12-inch Pico LED from the lamp down through the tower and out the back of the base. The lighting looks like this.

Lighthouse MOC by LegoOri

LegoOri’s charming “nano” lighthouse was a lovely creation of red, white, blue and brown. When I built this recently, I added some height to the tower and lengthened the walkway to the lighthouse.

I used another 12-inch Pico LED which I threaded down the center of the circular tower pieces and out the rear. Here is the result. 

Along comes Brickstuff’s 2-Channel Micro-LEC which provides two outputs: a slow pulse and a fast blink. 

I connected Brickstuff’s battery pack and attached the ends of the LED’s from the two lighthouses.



Nanoblock Lighthouse from Brixies

All of this work with Lego MOC lighthouses inspired me to revisit the Brixies nanoblock lighthouse I built some time ago.




I rebuilt the model, made some cosmetic changes to the small house and the surrounding grounds.  I added some height to the lighthouse and created a channel through the narrow tower to allow a Pico 6-inch LED to travel down from the lighting element and out the back of the model to a Brickstuff connector which was then powered by a coin cell battery pack.  When lit…


You can see more photographs at my gallery here.

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