4 Channel Controller with the 3-button remote?
First, new post in the category, yea!
Question on the 4-channel controller. (Hurrah!, by the way).
'Cuz I'm thick-brained at times, in the product we've got four channels. The remote has A - B - C. Just using the castle as my baseline, though I'm reasonably confident there's info with the product when I buy it (it's in the cart), how does one select the various four functions?
Hi Paul, yes the remote includes instructions. With the Castle, channels 2 and 3 are merged (flickering), so with that kit, the receiver is programmed to use the A B and C buttons. With the stand-alone kit (from our website), the power button on the remote is channel 1, then A is 2, B is 3, etc. The receiver for the Castle is a special program. Hope this helps!
Rob Klingberg Groovy! And apparently deleted my own reply, derp.
That helps tremendously - and gives me new options (or channels) for the 4x8-foot township that's currently just a two-channel town (all streetlights and building lighting, and the stadium aerial lights).
Me thinks a boatload more 24-inch extension wires are in order... and thank you!
Rob Klingberg These are nothing short of awesome for bigger installations -- and equally nifty for smaller ones. One installed, one more in the mail (due tomorrow-ish)?
The one in Modularton (4 foot x 8 foot) is largely out-of-the-box, but we did set it up in the base on a MOC radio tower, just to give the receiver some lift (and not have to point the remote at some esoteric brick behind a tree)... the radio tower seemed fitting.
The pending-arrival will be incorporated into the carnival-land. After getting the castle kit up and running on the same table, it became rapidly apparent that having the path lights on whilst the fireworks show is going washes out some of the effect. So, taking a page from Disneyland and Disney World, when the fireworks show is about to begin, we'll be able to dim the walkway lights on that channel (on/dim/off channel), keep the various installations going (ferris wheel!) at full-tilt (on/off channel), thinking of lighting the torch of Lady Liberty (set 3450) via the flicker channel), and keep the remaining on/off for future use.
I confess I didn't realize the tremendous power of a teeny little controller until I got to cast off the shackles of a simple off-on mindset. 😀
Paul George So glad you're enjoying the controller! We're really excited about the potential of these new boards. When you get everything set up, it would be great to see some video-- we have yet to set anything up in our shop that has a lot of lights, so being able to demonstrate the ability of these boards to control large numbers of lights would be great.
And don't under-sell the potential range of the remote -- with three controllers in the room (think triangle; two are 2 feet apart, the third point is 10 feet away), I am unintentionally toggling the two distant controllers when at the 10 foot point. Sometimes.
Happily, found some dead spots to get each desired to respond on its own, just pleasantly surprised that the range can be greater than advertised. (Which now has me re-thinking channel assignments if a one-click-toggles-several functions... hmmm...)