Disney Castle Lighting Interior

Hi everyone.  I have a question.  I finished the interior on the upper portion of the castle and left at home.  I completed the lower interior portion at work but have to wait to get home to connect the 3 wires from the top interior to the lower interior.   In the mean time I tried plugging in the power and using the remote to see if the torches and chandelier would work.  They did not.  Do I have to wait for the upper 3 wires from the top part to complete the circuit.  ??? Or is my remote not working.  I thought they would at least turn on with out the upper portion.   Sucks wiring then praying it works come the end. 

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  • Hi Marc, thanks for posting your question.  You said you connected the power and see the little green light on the main controller module that comes on, but the lights don't work-- is that right?  You don't need to wait to connect the upper section-- the lower section should work on its own, since that's where the infrared receiver, controller module, and power supply are.

    On the remote, are you first pressing the big power button on the top center of the remote?  The kit is shipped with both the main power and the power for each set of lights set to off.  So if you press the main power button first (to set the main power to "ON") and then press the "B" button on the remote, you should see the chandelier and torches come on.  pressing the "A" button controls the lights that are in the upper section of the tower, so that won't work until you can connect the two sections at home, but pressing the "B" button should make the flickering lights come on the lower section.

    Of course it's also a good idea to double-check to make sure the infrared receiver wire is firmly plugged into the main controller board, and also that the remote has a clear line of sight to the IR receiver.

    Can you let me know if the above suggestions help?

    Thank you!


  • Marc A  Pretty much as Rob said - both the potential culprits, that the entire effort doesn't need to await complete wire-in... and probably to double-check all the connections.

    I built in the same order, and sounds like paused at the same point you may have as well, and also had some initial hurdles.  In my case, I'd not fully plugged in one of the 3-wires into the controller, so while I had the green light, my chandelier and torches didn't light initially, either.  Wiggled everything a few times and an additional glass of Pepsi and I was off to the races.

    But failing Rob's suggestions and verifying everything is snug together (one of my not 110% love affairs is that connection from upper to the main floor area, occasionally is my problem child), we can start puling it apart here (with photos as needed) to get that beauty lit up.  :)

    • Marc A
    • Marc_A
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for the quick response.  Rob I was only hitting the power button, as soon as I hit B. Baboom it all lit up except the top few parts. I quickly noticed I didn’t line up that red dot plug only had 1/2 way in.  Fixed and all worked.  Beautiful.   Now onto the exterior.   I have all the exterior, fireworks, color changing and multi level color changing to add.   I imagine I have all I need to make work as I bought the mega bundle early on and got the power cord.   Will my remote work it all I hope.   Was reading something bout 2nd remote

  • Marc A Hi Marc, glad to hear all is working well!  One remote will control everything-- interior and exterior, so you should be all set!  Let us know when you have everything set up and working, and as always, don't hesitate to let us know if we can help with anything along the way.

  • Paul George Thanks Paul as always for keeping a wise eye on the forum!

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