HESS Themed Fire Truck

This one is also built to approximately 1:22 scale, features opening compartments and concealed battery box and control panel. This is an entirely custom build with 26 lights, 18 flashing (programmable) and 8 non-flashing.

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  • Fantastic job, William!  Thanks for sharing.  I know many people have questions about how best to light emergency vehicles-- yours is a great example.

  • Here are three pictures taken from above so everyone can see how the control panel and battery box were hidden, yet easily accessible. The control panel was deliberately kept loose (but can be attached) so there is slack to remove the battery box to change batteries. Rob Klingberg 

  • William Henderson Thanks for the additional detail photos!

  • Can I ask like what you used for materials to get so many lights to flash?  I wanna add flashing light bar to my semi and I’m building a low boy trailer and think it would be cool to add strobe lights to side and rear of trailer.  Maybe even add marker lights, headlights, and tail lights would be cool.  I’m new to this so have no idea where to start

  • Brent Schultz Hi Brent, thanks for your post.  For lightbars, we actually just added two new products that might work for your project.  They are self-contained lightbars with pre-mounted LEDs.  We have two versions: 4-wide and 6-wide.  Check them out here:



    For the other lights in the firetruck above, the builder used our Lighting Effect controller which you can buy individually or as part of our Lighting Effect Starter Kit:


    John Gerlach has also built his own firetruck, so he may have more info to share.

    I hope this is helpful-- let us know if you have any additional questions, and good luck with your project!

  • Rob Klingberg   So with the double strobe set up I can only do dbl strobe lights with the two channel set up with the starter kit explained above?  If I wanted to run just lights on or off constantly I’d have to add another 2 channel set up?  And if so would I need another battery pack also or can you run more channels off one battery pack?

  • Brent Schultz Hi Brent, you can do both strobing and non-strobing lights with the Lighting Effect Starter Pack (you just bypass the Effect Controller for any "always on" lights you want to have).  Here's a link to the instructions so you can see what's included and what some options are:


    One AA battery pack will power over 100 LEDs, so you don't need a second pack for one truck (unless you can fit more than 100 lights in it!).

    I hope this helps.

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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