Creator Ferris wheel # 10247

Yeah, I went there - new topic since the poor Ferris Wheel and it's light kit seem mentioned elsewhere, but lack a dedicated thread like her more popular cousin, the Disney LEGO castle.

When installing this last night, I took note of the mentioned extension within the ring for "optional wheel perimeter lights" for KIT06-P.

I don't see this (currently?) available, just a-wonderin' if it's not currently offered, no longer offered, or a 'future expansion' thinking that's not yet put rubber to the road.

But either way, it looks great - thanks guys!!!

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    • jlee
    • jlee
    • 7 yrs ago
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    the photo looks great.

    i just received my light kit for the ferris wheel and i am having a little trouble with the slip ring parts.  i think i installed correctly but when i turn the wheel on to test, the wires get  tangled. can you show me how?

  • jlee Do you have a photo of how it's setup (either inside-side, or both)?  The exterior of mine is here, I'd need to remove the wheel to grab the interior for a (good) photo of the other side.

    But it was definitely a brain-teaser at first for me.

    The outside piece is definitely the easier of the two, just given all the provided parts.  So outside-side, the wires just pop in and through the brick and holes as seen.

    Then, I popped on  the dark bluish gray gizmo onto the two pins, passed the wires through to the middle (where the wheel ends up) and I had one wire on opposite sides of the provided light grayish blue axle piece... the yellow-white pair (11 o'clock position) is visible, and the red-black comes out the lower (5 o'clock-ish) location, hidden here.

    When I turn the wheel, yes, these two pairs DO move around, but the magic within the ring should keep them from getting twisted... but again, a photo may help - maybe sharing what it looks like on the inside-side (opposite of what I have below)?

    ~ paul

    • jlee
    • jlee
    • 7 yrs ago
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    thank you for the quick response.

    here is the photo.

    does it look right? 

  • jlee That looks spot on correct, yes.  🙂

    When you say it's getting tangled, how so?  Meaning, the wires are turning with the light bluish gray axle (normal and correct), or they're getting crossed up in a way not seen in the photos?

    Honestly, it took a few minutes for my head to get around this one.  Yup, these two pairs of wires turn, the back side doesn't, and that's the effectiveness of the slip ring: half can turn, half remain stationary, without getting pinched, bent or shorting out...

    • jlee
    • jlee
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Paul George  when i attache the wheel and turn it on to go around, the wheel goes around two to three times and gets stuck somewhere and does not move...

  • jlee Well... that is curious.  How do things look inside, meaning, between the 1x4 white brick and the round gizmo?  Given that's where the rotation should be occurring, that'd be our next suspect to look at further...

    • jlee
    • jlee
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Paul George thank you!! it works!!

    do you have a tip on how to hide the cables cleanly?  also, is there a way to connect the light to the existing lego battery?  i connected to the battery pack i bought from brickstuff..

  • jlee I gotta ask (and perhaps it may help others down the road): what was the secret sauce to get it behaving for you?

    I'll take a few photos of the wonky way I hid wires -- though I will also admit I plan to re-attach them now that the excitement of first install has passed and my ugly first cut wire job is behind me.

    Power-wise, which BrickStuff power option are you using?

  • Version 1 wire placement, but I'll be cleaning it up a bit nicer before dropping this gem back into the "park."  But high-level...

    1. I plugged into a plug nearest the center/hub of the wheel, then
    2. Ran the next wire from the further-away plug down toward the center/hub of the wheel, wound it around... whatever I could find... until I had  a pinch more than enough to hit the next axle's nearer of the two plug, and plugged in
    3. Repeated step 2 for the remainder of the wires, and ended up with (photo 1)
    4. Had myself a Diet Pepsi
    5. Didn't find myself in love with the wires being visible -- even after the calming bubbles of my beverage -- and grabbed a handful of 1x1 plate plates
    6. Carefully tacked down the stray wires by holding the wire against the back black plates, and using a 1x1, used them as non-Kragle-glue to snug the wires into the back (photo 2, circled in yellow)
    7. In a few places, the second wire didn't catch, so I just used a second 1x1 and ended up with a plate stack (mmm, pancakes) to hold them back  (photo 2, circled in yellow)

    Perhaps not museum quality, but at times my standards of quality are known to be surprisingly low, and it did the trick.  For me.  Based on the aforementioned lowered standards.  (Time will tell how much I re-do today, given it's already 3:15pm and I feel the weekend malaise taking over -- but my bride wants her kitchen counter back, so this beauty has to move before supper either way back to its regular home.)


    photo 2...

  • Paul George We're working to have the KIT06-P's in stock-- we'd hoped to have them there before leaving for Virginia to attend Brickfair this week, but they will be on the site later this month.  Need to finish the documentation and installation instructions. :-)

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  •   Paul George Thank you so much for jumping in to help jlee with this!  And jlee , my apologies for the silence on my part (this is the first time since Wednesday that I've been in front of a computer, thanks to setting up and running our booth at Brickfair Virginia).  It looks like you have things working now?  Thanks again Paul for your great help, and when I get back to the office, I will look at making some revisions to the instructions so the wires-getting-tangled thing happens less often (or never).  It also sounds like I need to be a bit more clear (and maybe add some photos?) about how best to mount the wires.  Any additional suggestions (beyond the great work above, Diet Pepsi included) would be awesome.

    Thanks again for helping each other out!

    • jlee
    • jlee
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Paul George sorry for the late reply...

    well, only thing i did fix is that i noticed from your photo, my silver round ring was sticking out. so i pushed as much as it goes in and tried and it worked. 

    also, what you mentioned about the wires being turning as well made me understand how it should work.  thank you for clearing out some of the questions i had!!.

    and thank you for the the photos of the wires also.

    you have been a great help!!

  • jlee No apology necessary -- it's the weekend, and at least when my bride's not fully watching, that means LEGO play time (err, after chores, of course). ;)

    Glad its all fallen into place (though not literally). 😀

  • Rob Klingberg My pleasure!

    I was halfway ponder if the wires being, say, an inch shorter would help - at least, less to tangle away.

    But I've not yet delved (or dove) into the Technic parts of what could snap, affix or connect onto the axles to assist.  The mandate to clear off the kitchen counter for supper (after a week's worth of the tot camping with the grandparents - and getting a free "counter pass") has somewhat tabled the effort as the Wheel's back in the park setting.

    It doesn't look at all bad as-is, but from a guy who never gives higher than a 9 on 1-10 surveys -- 'cuz there's always room for slight improvements -- I'd say it's a solid 9.  😉

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