Ghostbusters HQ new version kit ?

Hey i鈥檓 waiting many month the new release of the new hq lightning kit .Do you have a date for it please ?

sorry for my english i鈥檓 french .


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  • Rob Klingberg is there any news about this set? I bouth year ago your light kit of the Arcade cabinet for the ghostbusters HQ, but i can't install it until the light kit of the firehouse is available. Is't about 2 years that you told us that the kit will be relesed but still no news..? thank you

  • Giovanni Bocchi Hi, while this kit wasn't on the list of planned sets for 2023 as announced in our blog (, I am going to see if we can get it in time for the holidays.

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  • Rob Klingberg that would be FANTASTIC!

  • og many thanks, it could be great, i'm waiting for it for a really long time and i can't wait to install it with your arcade cabinet lightkit set! Please, try to do your best to release it during this year..

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  • Awesome! The wait may almost be over lol.

  • Rob Klingberg do you have any news about the release of this new updated kit? thanks

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  • Giovanni Bocchi As you know I'm working hard to finish the install guide for the new haunted house kit, then will come the Lighthouse kit, then the GBHQ :-).

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  • Just thought I'd drop in to see I there where any updates

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  • Dino Tempesti Thanks for checking in!  Getting ready to release a bunch of new kits, but this one is still on our list for 2024.

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