Rob Klingberg Do I still have a chance to get one? You guys ever thought of doing a kickstarter or something like that to get guaranteed funds to do a production run??? How about some of us helping you with kit assembly? Like in the 90’s when they used to do kits at home you put together for companies??? I remember soldering kits and sending back.
Chris Jolly Oh that's a great idea! Love it. As for the Kickstarter, it's less about the funds than the time. We're a very small shop, only three people, and we have almost 175 finished products to keep in stock on a weekly basis. The major blocker has been availability of the chips and other parts we use for our kits, but we're working on a new design for our main controller board that, when it's ready by March or April, will let us finally move forward on these new kits. We're still planning to release the kit upgrade-- don't worry! :-)
Rob Klingberg So you could always “insure” the kits that are sent to people. I think when I was doing that in the early 90’s I had to “purchase” the kits they wanted assembled but got paid per kit I assembly when I mailed them back. Multiple ways you could do that so your risk is reduced but sure with the following you have you might have guys like me that would love to be able to help out and not concerned that much about getting paid and more about being able to be a part of the process, if that makes sense.
Dino Tempesti Thank you for your continued support and patience. I know there's huge demand for this kit, so I'm really trying to keep it top of mind for our first round of "next generation" kits based on the new controllers we've been working on for almost two years. Really hoping to have more to share in the coming weeks.