Do you have a kit for the UCS Death Star II set?

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  • No   the set number is 10143  it is the UCS Death Star 2 set.......{%22iconly%22:0}

  • JAVIER BAUTISTA Ah, ok, thank you for the clarification.  We don't have that set in our shop, but we've looked at the instructions so we have a sense of how everything fits together.  We can certainly look at making something custom for you-- what did you have in mind?  How did you envision having lights?  When we look at that model, we think of having some sort of pulsing effect around the main laser with periodic firing.  What else did you want to see?  We can imagine some random white lights spread throughout the structure, showing what something would look like when it was under construction, etc.  Anyway, let us know what you think and we'd be happy to make a proposal!

  • Hello Rob.

    Yes, what you described is exactly what I am looking for.   Pulsing laser firing effect with some white lights spread throughout and possibly some flickering bluish lights mixed in to simulate a construction environment.  (welding simulation etc. )  Let me know what you can come up with and if you would be able to show me a sample of it even better!!!!!


    thank you

  • JAVIER BAUTISTA Cool, I think the welding stuff would be easy to include.  Would you be willing to take pictures and videos for us, to show others what the setup looked like?  That would help a lot, since we don't have the model here.

  • Hello Rob,


    Yes I would definitely take pictures and videos

  • JAVIER BAUTISTA Awesome, thank you.  I'll work on some ideas and post updates here soon.

  • Hello,

    Just want to know how things are going.


  • JAVIER BAUTISTA Hi, sorry for the delay here!  Have been finalizing testing on the new controller board I want to use for this setup.  I also want to order the parts needed to make the main cannon, so we can test the effect.  Stay tuned!

  • Perfect.   No rush, I was just looking for an update.  Thank you.

  • JAVIER BAUTISTA Hi, just a quick update on this.  We have developed the code and found the lights that will make the superlaser look awesome.  We did a custom setup for a customer for his large-scale Death Star this previous weekend at Brickworld Chicago.  You can see the effect here:

    Check it out and let us know what you think.  To make the effect look even cooler, we're also developing a setup that would have eight LEDs mounted inside the center pillar to create an effect of the laser passing outward from the center.  This makes the effect look 10x cooler, but it is also a much more labor-intensive option for us to make and would add a lot of cost to any kit we'd offer.  Can't say yet how much any of this would cost-- we're still refining the build process (especially for the center pillar) but will keep working on it and share more here soon.

    Interested to hear what you think of the effect so far!

  • that looks great!!!  looking forward to see what the center led pillar would look like.

    thanks for the update.

    • Nelis
    • Nelis
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Man this looks awesome. I'm interested in the set, 75159. Yea the deathstar II is a good model but the other one has different rooms and such, it's really fun installing leds. I've installed brickstuff leds on my set as my own set. For the array I just stuck a pico led through the center though. It doesn't look nearly as cool as the controller in the video.


    Rob, if you guys are interested, I have a second (not quite complete) deathstar 75159 that I could loan and send to you guys to come up with a kit. It's all put together, just missing some minor pieces here and there. I could also share the led set up I'm currently using if you'd like.

    (disclaimer, I stumbled on Rob's name from a little flyer card in the brickstuff Disney Castle interior/exterior led kit I assembled for a friend... star wars more fun, lol)

  • Nelis Thanks Neils for your post and offer.  We actually have the 75159 in our office so we were planning on adapting the superlaser once we have it finalized for the larger model.  Plus some other surprises.  Stay tuned!

  • Rob Klingberg Do you have a set available yet for the 75159. Had a look around and can't see it in the site. There are others but nothing with the pulse  which looks amazing.

  • Mark Freeman Hi Mark, thanks to Covid, we lost a lot of kit development time in 2020.  Still tossing ideas around though.  Our next Star Wars kit will likely be the Star Destroyer UCS, then we're looking at the Snowspeeder UCS and the old R2D2 UCS and Red Five X-Wing.  After those, we have the 75159 and also the UCS Death Star II to look at.

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