Lego UCS Falcon and Hanger 327 Moc

This is to show the build of our Lego Hanger and New home for our Falcon.

It took over 14 Months to complete, and 3 re-designs. V1 Above was based on the MOC on rebrickable

After building the floor and part of the wall we decided it was to small.. and tweaked it to be a full 600x900 and be 3 full base plates long long.

This caused a number of issues, as we then didn't have enough Lego, lights, and had to rebuild the entire MOC in the Lego builder which really does not like designs this big.

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  • Tamara Jade Brice WOW!  Just amazing work.  This is the first time we've seen anyone comment that the Rebrickable design was too small. :-) 

    I know we still owe you an invoice for the additional lights you want to add to the setup.  We haven't forgotten!  Just still trying to dig out from under the delays caused by Covid and its impact on all of our schedules.

  • Rob all Good, Completely understand, Covid is just one of those things now that you cant avoid and effects everything.

  • So After rebuilding the design in the builder we altered the floor pattern to make use of the LED's we had on hand

    We ended up re-building the floor 4 times before we got a pattern that we were happy with, and ended up adding a fourth row of arrows.

    Once we were finally finished with the floor I started adding LED wiring underneath..

    The whole model is built on 6'4's which hold up a piece of MDF which we glues the LED base plates to.. this gives us a nice cavity to run all the wiring and attach the all the parts from Brickstuff to.

    Just judge my wiring the wphotes are from before I tired everything in place.

  • Lastly we build the Wall & then the actual table to enclose it.
    Attached below is a video of us testing the lights "Lights Test" in the wall while we were waiting on a back order of parts from LEGO and then the rest are all the almost finished product.

    Outstanding items are:
    1) Still waiting on a back order of parts from lego to finish the white hanger entry surround
    2) Additional Lights for the mini-figs and too complete the floor and wall lighting where we were short.
    3) More mini-figs :) ...Specifically Fulcrum Ahsoka, Sabine Wren and Thrawn 

  • Tamara Jade Brice great job with wiring up the lighting controllers!  You've really thought this through.  Such great work, and I know it will serve as inspiration to others.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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