Combining Sound and Lighting into a single action

I am planning out my first Brick Stuff implementation. I am very intrigued with the Sound controller and the Single Lighting Effects controller. Ideally I would like a button that would trigger off gun fire (lights) with the sound. Before the button is pushed the Lights effect is off and waiting then the laser gun effect goes for X seconds then stand by again...


Is this possible?

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  • Hi Keith, thanks for your message.  Is this something where you would like to be able to load your own sound onto a module (for example, lasers or machine guns), or something where you'd like us to provide a kit with pre-loaded sounds?  The reason I ask is because creating something where customers can load their own sounds makes it difficult to coordinate the lighting effects with the sounds, since each sound will be different.

  • The Lego Model I am building this for is 75243 (Slave 1 20th Anniversary). My thought was to use the Audio module where I can load custom sounds in conjunction with the Light Effects board. 

    I know this is against warenty, but one idea i had was to splice the button into the light effects wire, technically the extension cable connecting the power to the light effects card. But that would only enable light as you hold the button, which is fine for me.


    One downside i have for my build is that I dont want the laser gun lights to go all the time.

  • Keith Huggins Thanks for the additional detail.  For something like that, it might be better to let us custom-make something for you.  Looking at that model, there doesn't seem to be a lot of space inside, so you'd want to do this with as few boards as possible.

    Looking at the model, you'd probably want lights (4x) for the engines, maybe lights (4x) for the lasers, and then maybe one blue light for the cockpit for backlighting?  We could set up our RF remote module with a 4-port controller board connected to a sound module that would be controlled by the remote.  Still not sure everything would fit inside, but we could give it a try.  Would you want the power supply to be external or internal?

    Since we don't have this set in-house, one thing I'd be willing to offer was to sell you the parts needed at a 50% discount if you were willing to send your model to us, let us install the lights and sound, then send back to you.  This way we'd be able to develop a proper kit for this set.

    Let me know if you'd be up for that.  Thanks!

  • Thank you for that offer, part of the fun for me is designing the integration. I enjoy that more then seeing the finished project to be honest. Although 50% off is something to consider for future products.


    I am 90% done with phase 1 of this project I am just waiting for a couple components to ship in. Once I am done I will be posting it on this forum to show what I did, due to (as you said) theres not alot of room in there. Fututre boards will likely have to be stuck to the brick walls inside or use up the cargo bay. But I / we can design that once phase 1 is done this week.

  • Keith Huggins Awesome, sounds like you're comfortable experimenting which is great-- we love to see those kinds of results on the Forum!  Keep us posted!

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