Lego Roller Coaster 10261

Are there any plans for a kit for this set? If not, what lights would you recommend? Not sure I can put anything on the carriages (though that would be cool), but thinking of a light for the camera flash (and maybe a working camera?), and maybe some lights around the word Coaster or lights to highlight the track in the dark.

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  • Hi Colin, YES definitely we will be working on a unique kit for this set *with* lights in the carriages, *with* a motion-triggered camera, and *with* an animated sign.  Stay tuned!

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    • Gregory
    • Gregory
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Following. Is this still in the works?

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  • Gregory Yes, definitely!  We had a delay because we're looking at some color-changing light strips and had to get samples sent over for testing.  They should arrive in the next few weeks, and then we expect to have more news to share.  We've seen the other light kits out there for this set, and we want to make sure our kit stands out.

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  • Hi Rob! Would you want to share any news with your fans regarding the rollercoaster light kit? I'd love to know how it would be different from the competitors' kits and when you think it could be available. Thank you!

  • Hi Rob,

    Any news about when the kit  for the Lego Roller Coaster 10261 will be available?

    Thank You!

  • Joeri Spijkers Hi Joeri, thank you for your question.  We've been working on some new control boards that will enable us to continue designing the roller coaster set.  We've also sourced some amazing color-changing light strips that will make it truly special.  We plan to pick up designing the coaster kit again after we ship out first batch of Hogwarts kits (late August)-- stay tuned for more in a few months!

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  • Vincent Pingard Hi Vincent, my apologies for the delay in responding.  Our plan is to make the kit different from the others available by adding features like sound, motion-triggered camera flash, remote control, and synchronized color-changing lights.  The other kits have lights that change colors but they are random and quite unrealistic looking.  Our plan is to create synchronized lights that look much more like the lights on a real roller coaster.  We also have a few other surprises in mind that we're working on.  I'll be sharing more details and photos as soon as I can.  Thank you for asking your question, and apologies once again for the very long time to respond.

  • Hi Rob,

    Any news about  the kit  for the Lego Roller Coaster 10261?

    Thank you.

  • Joeri Spijkers Thank you for the follow up!  We're in the process of moving to a new office so all of the models are packed up, but I hope to be able to get to this kit in December.

  • Hi Rob,

    Any updates about  the kit  for the Lego Roller Coaster 10261?

  • Joeri Spijkers Haven't forgotten about it!  Need to finish with our update to the Firehouse HQ kit, then we'll be able to move on to other kits like this.  Also working on some new controllers that will make the coaster come alive.

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  • Also very interested in this... With all the video calls I'm on it'd be great to have this flashing in the background!

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  • Steve Sabol Love the idea-- kind of like a really busy Zoom background. :-)

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  • I just built this kit this weekend. I had to get it because they put it on the "retiring soon" list. Are there still any plans to build a light kit for it? I had a motor so plugged it onto the power functions battery in my Millennium Falcon beneath it.

  • Eric Stiff Love the video!  Thank you for sharing it.  And yes, we are still definitely planning to make a kit, however this year has presented even greater challenges than 2020, which I did not expect.  This is one kit I'm especially excited about!

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