Lighting the Palace Cinema Marquee
One of the lighting tricks I've been asked about is how did I light my Marquee. After a show in the early spring I unpacked the PC and the Marquee was in pieces. This was a good opportunity to rebuild it and take pictures along the way.
Extra parts that I needed are:
2 1x1 Round plates, any color.
1x2 Plate, any color.
1x6 Plate, any color.
4x8 Plate, Medium Blue, to match the bottom of the Marquee.
2 10-Light Twinkling LED Light Strings
Pictures of each step can be found on my brickshelf. What you wind up doing is putting each light inside the trans-yellow round plate at the bottom of the Marquee and sandwiching the wires between the bottom of the Marquee and the false bottom you build below it. This plate sandwich holds the lights in place and since the wires are quite stiff, it seems to hold it's shape.
I still don't have a good idea yet on how to light the top part of the Marquee.
- JimP
I know, it's an old topic, but in case someone needs an idea: I took a different approach, with a small Arduino board (fits in the marquee base, including the resistor board), and 0402 SMD LEDs, wired up with 0.1mm enamel wire.
The result is this: https://youtu.be/9OmxjdZULsQ
Donald Whelan Yes yes yes! All parts are complete. I just need to write the instructions and then we will have these up on the website. We're also going to be releasing another surprise kit for Palace Cinema fans-- it's not a light kit, that's all I'll say now, but it's going to be amazing. Look for that to launch soon as well!
Hello marquee fans! Finally we're able to announce that our real scrolling marquee with 40 lights, 55 LEGO parts, and effect controller is now available in our web shop!
Thank you for your patience as we got everything ready for launch. We hope you like what we've created!