Cinderella Castle Troubleshooting

So I purchased and installed the exterior Cinderella castle lighting set. After checking all of my connections, I plug in the kit and viola, no lights. The green status light on the main board is on and the lights briefly flicker when plugging in the set but when hitting the power button on the remote, nothing happens. I’m feeling like Clark Griswold at the moment. Any ideas?

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  • Hi John, thanks for your message.  The power button itself doesn't turn on any lights-- it activates or de-activates the other buttons on the remote (button A, B, C, etc.).

    After pressing the power button, what happens when you press "A"?  If nothing, can you try pressing the power button again and then "A" again?  Of course, make sure the remote has line of sight to the infrared receiver.

    Please let us know if this helps, thank you!

  • Rob Klingberg Hi Rob. I ended up getting it to work. I replaced the remote battery and it worked great. Thanks for your help!

  • Hi Rob, I have an additional question. The power cord that leads to the base spotlights is a little too short (6 inches at least) for me to plug into the designated 1:8 board. To alleviate the predicament, I thought about purchasing the ‘1:2 Expansion Adapter 4-pack’ to extend the wire so it’s able to reach the board but I noticed it was sold out. Do you know when more will be available or do you have a suggestion to extending the wire?  Thanks for your help. 

  • John Rogers Glad to hear!

  • John Rogers Hi John, we'll be doing a big re-stock in the next 2 weeks-- the end of year rush cleaned us out of many products!  We should have these adapters in stock again soon.

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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