Steam Train Effect

Been seeing these videos of PF cable with a Seuthe 99 for that smoke effect

I've been using an ultrasonic humidifier with aquarium line to make smoke for chimneys for my winter village. Then I've seen this

Wondering if you can use same idea to create steam for holiday train, Found this small dandy 20mm:

Water is a cheap fuel and won't damage anything!

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  • Thanks Jason for posting-- this is great stuff!  Connecting the smoke generator shouldn't be difficult.  In fact as soon as I saw your post I ordered one of the Seuthe generators and also several ultrasonic units so I could test for myself.  I'll let you know how testing goes.  If the Seuthe unit works, this could definitely be a standard product we offer for sale on our website, and at the very least we could easily make one up for you.  Just to be clear however, the smoke unit is not pulsed, so it won't synchronize with the wheel rotations or chuffs in the engine.

    Do you have a video showing how you make the ultrasonic units work with your Winter Village sets?  I'd love to see that.  Looking at the product, it seems to require a bit of an unusual setup to work: mounted on top of a sponge that's soaking in water, but not immersed in the actual water, and if the unit ever runs dry it will quickly break.  Is this what you've seen as well?  Ideally it would be good to have something that could produce mist for a long time and where you didn't need to worry about it burning out if left unattended.

    Something else we're looking at: the use of small Vape atomizers and standard fog machine liquid (not Vape liquid of course) to make high volumes of smoke in small spaces.  Stay tuned for more results of this as well-- we just ordered the parts this week.

  • Rob Klingberg yes I know no sync with wheels, and can only hold about 30-60 seconds of smoke fuel before needing refill I've heard. I did find the Seuth #5, it's a little larger so it holds more, but requires smaller voltage so a few diodes or a voltage regulator need to be added to prevent it burning at 9v.

    Love the vape idea too! 

    I'll send a video over this weekend with my smoking village. I just used a standard ultraonic vaporizer from the store. It has a lot of volume so runs for a long time. For the train the had thing is small size to produce volume for a decent amount of time. 

    Looking forward to some new toys for my train! Anything I can do to help let me know.

  • Jason R Toy Hmm the Seuthe 5 looks good as well.  It wouldn't be difficult to get the voltage stepped down.  Are you sure you have room for it inside your loco?

    Looking forward to seeing a video of the smoking village!

  • Rob Klingberg

    I need it to fit in the holiday train so don't know if the 5 will fit lengthwise

  • Jason R Toy Thanks for sending the video.  That's quite a setup.

    The Holiday Train is extremely small as you know.  Have you already motorized it with a PF battery in the tender?

  • Rob Klingberg not yet, I have the original 10173 Holiday Train motorized currently. But planning on lighting and controlling with PFx. 

  • Rob Klingberg Jason R Toy hey! Did you get anything worthwhile working?

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