DRADIS screen for 1/18 scale BSG Viper MkII

Hi guys, I understand that you are working on a `DRADIS screen for 1/18 scale Viper MkII. I have recently spoken to  Tony Celliers, who gave me the link to this site.  When is it likely to be available to purchase, please?

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  • Hi, thanks for your message and for your interest.  We just received sample panels from Tony this week.  Next week we plan to work on cutting the opening for the screen, then test-fitting and resizing the video frame if needed.  We'll post updates here, but the video is complete, so once we have it modified for Tony's beautiful panels, we'll have it available!

  • Rob Klingberg yea happy days, I defo would be interested if it’s reasonably priced👍

  • Tony Daniels Hi Tony, the screen will sell for $89.99 not including power supply.  For power, you could use either our 3AA battery pack or USB cable.

  • Rob Klingberg 

    yea I’ll have one please and a battery pack, plus the usb lead just so I have a choice. How do I pay? PayPal?

  • Tony Daniels That works! I can send you a PayPal invoice. Just send your e-mail to us at support@brickstuff.com and we'll get the invoice sent out.

  • Hi Rob, probably the wrong thread, but I'm thinking about lighting up the 1/18 scale Viper, I think the Moebius kit is too small, would you have a suitable kit? I'm looking at the engines cockpit and maybe landing lights.

  • Tony Daniels Hi Tony, do you have specifics about the Moebius kit? Specifically, close-up photos and measurements of where you'd like to put lights and screens?  We can see what can be done.

  • I haven't actually looked at it to be fair, just thinking on the scale of it, 1/32 v 1/18. I suppose If I get a Moebius kit it will need to be modified/ lengthening etc. Its only for display, like I said I'm looking at illuminating the engines and cockpit with maybe landing lights.

  • Tony Daniels I'm sure we would be able to create a kit fairly easily.  If you get the model, send us photos/dimensions of where you'd like to add lights and we'll see what can be done!

  • Thanks Rob, will do

  • I would be very interested in a DRADIS for a 1/32 BSG Raptor and Viper II.   Can you let me know if they are possible & possible price points?

    Thanks in advance


  • Frank Landin Hi Frank, can you send us the dimensions of the screen cutout areas for both those models?  Meaning, exactly how much screen real estate (length + width) do you need to fill with an image?

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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